The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Sep 9, 2011

Smile! You're on Scammer Camera!

Checked your mail lately? This week many citizens of Albuquerque are getting a piece of propaganda in the mail that on the outside looks like a great campaign. Luckily, not all of us are that stupid. Not all of us are willing to buy beachfront property in Arizona. Safe Roads Albuquerque sent out a mailing that depicts a graphic car accident on one side and meaningless and biased statistics on the other. Safe Roads is wanting the citizens to "Vote Yes on October 4 and help save lives". Very dramatic, yet very misleading. KRQE provides two separate statistics. One states, "Red light running decreased by 50% in one year at city intersections with traffic safety cameras. KRQE, 7/24/10". WOW, again looks pretty impressive from the outside. The next statistic is "Traffic safety violations increased by 584% when traffic safety cameras were turned off at three intersections" KRQE 5/28/10". AMAZING, not only is KRQE able to predict the weather and broadcast the news, they are now clairvoyant! How would anyone know that violations were increased when the cameras were turned off? Not to mention that KRQE is Darren White's very own personal newstation (and the term news is used very loosely).
So many questions come to mind. WHO is RedFlex and who exactly is Safe Roads Albuquerque. For those who haven't been keeping up Albuquerque news, RedFlex is the company that is responsible for the implementation of all of the red light cameras throughout Albuquerque. The same cameras that Mayor Berry wanted to get rid of. The same cameras that were shut off for some time because the benefits and validity of the cameras came into question. It was even implied by law enforcement that the grossly inflated statistics were because the accidents were not properly measured and documented correctly to correlate with the cameras.
Craig Loy, retired APD Captain, and former City Council member, quoted the following:"Why should reckless drivers get away with breaking the law? Safety cameras save lives. That's why we need to keep them." This is the same Craig Loy that is the Chairman of Safe Roads Albuquerque, that is behind this ludicrous campaign. It is mind boggling to imagine the cost of printing tens of thousands, or even more, of this colorful two sided-deceptive piece of propaganda. Our Eyes found out that the top contributor to Safe Roads Albuquerque was none other than RedFlex; to the tune of $45,000.00. There was however, another contributor, that was an unknown female who contributed a whopping $50!

The Eye wonders why this information wasn't printed on their fancy little flyer:

A 2008 University of South Florida report found:
"Comprehensive studies conclude cameras actually increase crashes and injuries, providing a safety argument not to install them.... public policy should avoid conflicts of interest that enhance revenues for government and private interests at the risk of public safety."

Or how about this- In October of 2010, the University of New Mexico released The Albuquerque Red Light Camera Study. "The report dismissed the increase in the overall number of crashes by providing an accident cost analysis not based on any examination of the collisions in Albuquerque, but by applying a generic formula designed to downplay the importance of rear end collisions. The report recommended that the city use engineering countermeasures to improve safety. Mayor Berry issued a statement confirming his willingness to do so -- including giving drivers longer yellow times." There was no question that the installment of the cameras was nothing more than a money driven exercise. "The study, which was funded by the city of Albuquerque, presented automated enforcement as favorable a light as it could. The study measured the number of accidents in thirty-eight camera-free control intersections used for comparison with the twenty photo-enforced intersections. The total number of crashes at the photo enforced intersections increased while camera-free intersections saw a decrease. While injury accidents decreased at the camera intersections, the decrease was much more prominent, 29 percent, at camera-free locations." See for yourself at

This is nothing more than a lame attempt to pick pocket the citizens of Albuquerque and question the intelligence of every single citizen. What does Craig Loy gain by this Safe Roads Campaign? As the campaign states, "Vote YES for Safe Roads on October 4". The Eye sees things differently. On the contrary, Vote NO and tell RedFlex we have Albuquerque Police Officers that are there to keep our roads safe and issue their own citations, and not some meaningless citation generated by a faulty, money driven camera.


Anonymous said...

Craig Loy. What is your gain in this game ? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Anonymous said...

Craig Loy is nothing more that a pick pocket himself. he's the king of kick backs.
VOTE NO on this FARCE.
Mayor beery, tear down these cameras. After all that's what you ran on. Then again he said he was gonna get a new police chief too. He speaks with forked tongue. Must have learned that from that little girl-man Darren.
Men; no a one amongst them.

Anonymous said...

What's that endorsement worth Craig? This is such a sham. They will rake in Millions at our expense while really not making the streets any safer. people are stopping short all the time and will cost a lot more when your insurance rates go up for rear ending some a hole that should have proceeded through and cleared the intersection.
Loy, don't you have enough money? stop sucking on the taxpayers teet.

Anonymous said...

That's why you see him, Darren and Ray out at the academy jogging all the time. Schemers, con artists and scammers one and all.
I'm so disgusted with people like this.

Gee , I wish i could get in on some unethical money too.
What a Mensch.

Anonymous said...

I think its time we all drive around town with no plates, run these red lights....(safely)..and give Redflex and Loy a big giant finger out the window while they take their pictures. HA!

Paul J. Heh S. Sgt. A.P.D. Retired said...

There you have it. Right in your face in black and white. Red Flex is only interested in making money off your back. It is interesting that a comment said that Craig Loy and Darren WHITE jog together at the academy. IS this true Craig ? Tell you what Craig,seems that you are chairmen of this organization. Come to the next City Council Meeting and defend your position in front of the citizens. We could also go on radio talk show and debate the issue. I'll do it will you. The Citizens Of Albuquerque have had Red Flex and The City hands in their pockets far to long. The Citizens Constitutional Rights have been violated. Craig have you ever watched a hearing when some citizens attempts to contest their red light camera citation ? I have. Discusting to me to watch.

Anonymous said...

Craig Loy is another Darren White he climbed his way up the APD ranks on the backs of hard working, honest, professional officers. Then he gets on the City Council and does things only when its good for him. It comes as no surprise when I see the Three Stooges walking around the track. They only start jogging when a CHICK is in the area. Stop wearing shorts, the cottage cheese thighs are ruining my appetite. I see Loy tossing his name in the hat for new Chief just so he can continue Ray's way of discipline. Next would be Mike Callaway.

Anonymous said...

People should get paid if they fix a problem.

These studies are simply flawed. Turning off a camera doesn't mean driver behavior has gone back to "normal" without a camera. Relying on police reports to record these events are obviously flawed since folks without insurance (where some estimates are >50% in this state) are less likely to report an accident. Most scientific studies are flawed anyway (

Common sense with a careful eye for cognitive bias helps here instead.

If people are having more accidents because of the cameras then they are driving poorly whenever there's not a camera.

If they weren't tailgating, a sudden slowdown or stop in front of them wouldn't cause them to rearend. What if the person was slowing down because of a pedestrian?

Again, I pay my plumber because he fixes a problem. But I do agree, to carry this hypothetical further, if he's backed by a company that sells water treatment services to the city, there may be a conflict of interest. But if there's no foul play, it doesn't matter (especially in such small areas like Albuquerque).

Anonymous said...

Graig and Ray Boy, just tools.

Anonymous said...

Los Angeles just fired Red Flex from their jurisdiction.

Albuquerque needs to do the same.

Anonymous said...

September 9, 2011 @ 7:48 Amen brother... Loy is a SCUMBAG.....

Anonymous said...

Ray Shultz has a trial next week against an officer he terminated. Remeber the trial Brad Ahrensfield talked about at the city council meeting. Well shultz would rather be in conference in Washington than defend the city money and his actions. What a great chief we have.

Unknown said...

To Poster September 10, 2011 4:33:00 PM MDT

I'll have my popcorn ready; we can share and enjoy the show! ha ha ha

To Sgt. Heh...Sir, you are one hell of a man. You have integrity and grit, and I respect that in a person. We need someone like you, or you, to be running this whole show.
Paul Heh for Mayor!

Anonymous said...

Good information on how to handle a Redflex fine.

It is also little known that Redflex operated it's mobile radar units for over a decade with falsified FCC certifications and the FCC simply slapped them on the wrist. Redflex was proven to have swindled the driving public and should have been put out of business.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Berry has no spine, has little integrity and has no ability to run a Kool aid stand let alone a city. He needs to man up, but wont. he's still helping Darren at every turn , which makes no sense.
He's a 'mary', Jimmy Carter drag queen.

Anonymous said...

Just got a camera ticket for What, I don't know. All I can see is my car and FOUR others turning left in an intersection; all past the cross walk line. Question. What's the infraction, because it doesn't say what for, and how is it that FOUR other cars are doing the exact same thing in the photo? Oh, all of us are running a red turn arrow at the same time?



Anonymous said...

Well thats good to know when we all retire we don't have to buy a gym membership we can still work out at the academy. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

The night detective squad that the mayor started, well it all fell apart since they weren't doing detective work. So now we are pulling more people from the field to start another team, new name. Do we ever have any accountability? I can't believe the crap Schultz is getting away with. What happened to the night detective's sgt? Did they put him in charge of the new team? We can't even get a day off in the field we can't get cleared for lunch and WTF is going on when you have detectives working out, taking lunches when they want, leaving to pick their kids up from school, taking their kids to school, taking time for doctor appointments. We in the field don't have any of those advantages. And don't anyone post that if you don't like it leave the field because we all know you have to be one of the boys to get any position. Anyone notice how all the openings for a position are different when they use to be standard?

Anonymous said...

T-Bone accidents cause less harm than a rear end accident - unless you are on a motorcycle, bike or walking.

Why are drivers allowed to buy their way out of a traffic violation? If you are such a threat to public safety shouldn't you get points and loose your license?

And how long will it be before the insurance companies get ticket information and increase your premiums?

Anonymous said...

REDFLEX has Albuquerque by the SHORT HAIRS.

"Redflex Traffic Systems announced to its Australian shareholders last week that it continues to adjust contract language boosting the PENALTIES for cities that turn their back on photo ticketing. Just such language has hit in San Bernadino, CA where rival photo ticketing firm American Traffic Solutions (ATS) is threatening to impose an extra $1,896,202 fee to punish the city council for attempting to get out of the contract in March. Officials have already approved cutting a check for $175,000 to the company as compensation."


If Albuquerque attempts to FIRE Redflex, they will be subject to the SAME PENALTIES. This is called LEGALIZED EXTORTION !!

FYI: The penalties are not "per intersection" but for EACH CAMERA at the intersection, so THE FEE IS MULTIPLIED BY FOUR at each intersection per month.

Anonymous said...

I've asked Safer Roads New Mexico, via their website, where their funding comes from and how they obtained stats at intersections where the cameras were turned off. No response as of yet, I'll let you know.

Did see the story on KOAT this morning and all the people they interviewed said they would be voting against the cameras. Safer Roads New Mexico fails to inform the voters that the program is losing $100,000.00 taxpayer dollars a month.

Anonymous said...

Cant get hold of 'Safe Streets'? Call Craig Loy, he owns it. Now there's one little scam artists. He's connected with Ray, Darren, Trudy Tootie, & Berry. Crooks one and all.
What a sham this whole thing is and kickbacks for all of them.
Don't think, all their palms weren't coated with some of the $17,000 Million that Red Flex Stole from this community

Anonymous said...

Insurance companies have a right to the RedFlex citation information.

Eventually insurance companies will get the information and your rates WILL go up when you get RedFlex tickets.

Yes, your insurance company will want to charge YOU more if you have RedFlex citation(s).

Anonymous said...








Anonymous said...

Great job Eye for your support of your buddy Ken Sanchez.

He really loves red flex.

Anonymous said...

@ Sept 12 10:50PM

Thank you for making a great point! Ken Sanchez is a great "fake"...the guy represents one of the most impoverished districts in the City and he voted in favor of RedFlex. That's right...remember that folks, he voted for something that is unconstitutional and also dips into the pockets of the poor. Take that to the voting booths when he runs for Mayor, Congress, etc. He also voted for returning the APD take-home vehicles. Then again, what do you expect from an APD Daddy right? Once again, accommodating the privileged few at the expense of the majority! Ken Sanchez is a FAIL! VOTE NO FOR KEN SANCHEZ!

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that the red light cameras are padding pockets; HOWEVER, what does impoverished have to do with it? Either take them away completely or keep them, but it is a mistake to feel sorry for poor people having to cough up fines - they don't pay them anyway. You cannot suck blood from and turnip, etc. etc. etc. Vote NO as the majority will do - another exercise in futility. Eye: Berry, Shultz and all their lackeys are reading this blog with glee. Nothing anyone can say will change the situation. Ever. DOJ left town - The Han case swept under the rug - we can blow the whistle until we are blue in the face and not one thing will be acomplished.

Anonymous said...

So what are we to think of Schultz when court records reflect this:

Upon Ms. McGinn’s return from lunch, the paralegal informed her that
among the materials he reviewed was a document indicating that Chief Schultz said he was not
going to produce a true copy of his calendar for the relevant dates, regardless of the Court’s Order,
and that he was willing to go to jail rather than produce a true copy of the court-ordered document.

From Costales v. White et al.

And yes, there's much more. What would happen if a P1/C were to act so cavalier in Federal Court?

Anonymous said...

So all the positioning for the task force opening was for nothing. What made jessie snap and how did you guys knw all that stuff was true.

Anonymous said...

Anyone see the postings for the openings for the new detective team that replaced the night detectives?

Anonymous said...

Stay focused no for redflex

Then they reject the vote of the people?

Anonymous said...

If a company makes people drive safely and makes money for doing so, is it a bad company?

According to the law, driving is not a right, which makes driving outside the purview of the Constitution.

We need better driver education--and training.

Do we know how man people die in car accidents in the US in a year than in an average war, homicides, other accidents? (I know the answer but if you don't you are judging on a shifting sand).

Anonymous said...

All of the positioning was for nothing. When is it ever? We knew because Jesse told us. He has the biggest mouth in the business. All he does is sit around bragging about his so called conquests.

Since he likes to talk so much, maybe he can spill the beans about his gun sales. OR maybe he can just quit while he is ahead and retire before it catches up with him. Cops with no morals give us all a bad name. They give every cop out there doing the job every day an image problem to contend with. I am tired of picking up for whores who want to trash my good name on the street by their actions. I am tired of lazy fake cops who walk around drinking starbucks in soft clothes running personal errands on city time while the rest of us fight to keep this city from going under.

This isn't a Mexican bordello or whorehouse. It is an agency trusted with upholding a duty to protect every second that we are on the clock.

If you don't want to be a cop, quit, or someone can push you out the door.

Anonymous said...

@Sept 15 10:56:00 PM

Better yet, why don't you forward what evidence/PC/etc you have to the DOJ for proper handling since you have no faith in the Mexican Bordello/Whorehouse/IA? Once again, how are you contributing to getting rid of the rot in your Dept by blogging on The Eye? You've stepped up to the plate so why don't you swing?