According to the Berry administration; Berry has nothing to worry about. Berry doesn't have to show up for any debates, speak in public or respond to citizens' concerns. Berry thinks he going to win because he has money and with that money you, the voters are for sale.
Take a look at this Albuquerque Business First poll. This is NOT an Eye poll but a completely different organization. Here are the results as of 9:45 PM, on August 5, 2013:
We think Berry and his clan need to joint Schultz in filling out some job applications...
The Piercing Truth
This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes
Eye, 08/08/13 hasn't occurred yet..
Now..What I find somewhat fascinating is how Berry is quick to give an interview and solution for the gay men who were allegedly discriminated against on a city shuttle.
But, he won't share his opinion or solution for anything else.
It's ridiculous.
Berry's high approval ratings are bogus!
Berry is all butt hurt over a gay couple being insulted at the airport and is demanding an investigation. When the fuck is he going to demand Brett, Trey, and Darcy be fired??
I guess having cops that accidentally shoot citizens and each other is a low low priority.
I do enjoy a 37%+23%+41%=101%?
That commenter Gretchen Wilson, posting under that poll, Knows her shit!She shut the mouths of all Berry supporters on that blog and gave advertisement to the Eye. Is she the country singer?
I was surprised to hear berry so concerned about 2 gay men allegedly being forced to the back of the bus and demanding an investigation forthwith,yet when his own police department comes under scrutiny of the DOJ for civil rights violations he sees no need for for an investigation of that! Political whore is what you are berry trolling for hypocritical liar. Ps: where are our one percent raises? Liar!
Again, I would like to believe this poll is reflective of the voters in ABQ,but this is another of many "straw" polls that might at best indicate the feelings at this time of those people who chose to participate in the Business First poll. As it itself states: "This survey is not a scientific sampling..." No methodology is disclosed. I'll bet my Ph.D. in opinion survey research is that these results are not the same as a scientifically conducted survey of all ABQ voters. Sorry...
This is same Berry that believes marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. How is denying marriage equality to gays not discrimination? But Berry says in paper discrimination will not be tolerated in Albuquerque.
I wonder if Berry is ever going to peek out from his little hidy hole and have a debate with Heh and Dinelli? Or perhaps Schultz, his lackey, will do it for him, hahahaha!
I am a little suspicious of this poll.
Two questions:
1. Where was Mrs. Schultz at during his final walk on Friday? Weird that she was not around, hmmmmmmmm.
2. Why hasn't the Southwest Companions details been released to the public? There are no criminal investigations going on as Chris Garcia was released from all charges. The media or interested parties need to file an IPRA for the Southwest Companions list of clients and then make it available to the entire public. This is our country and we need to know what is going on. If Berry and Schultz won't release it, then sue them in District Court. Why hasn't our Albuquerque media done this?
Because our local media "investigative" reporters are busy with fluff ..that is all they are capable of.They've got an Albuquerque version of Watergate right under their noses and don't even realize it. They're as chicken shit as Berry!
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