Over the years we have received mounds of information detailing how Schultz kept scrutiny off of himself, and those he benefitted from, or wanted to protect, by using those he disliked, or could care less about. He made one critical mistake. We’ll let him try to figure that out, but right now, we are going to discuss another case that was going on as Schultz was destroying the city back in 2011-12. This case centers around IA case number IA case # I-136-12.
The above debacle stems from a Las Vegas trip a few Albuquerque Police Department records employees went on where IA discovered some sexual escapades went on. This trip happened back in July of 2011. Now you would say this is none of IA’s beeswax, but it did become their beeswax when this information came out, because of how it spilled over into the workplace causing mayhem.
We are all well aware of the antics that went on over at APD records where unrelated civilian employees and police supervisors deployed cunnilingus tactics on duty, in closets, and stairwells of the APD Main Building. We are also aware of a battery, where an employee claimed they were punted in the vagina and punched. This conduct is pretty bad for any workplace, but for a police department, it should be incomprehensible, and upon proof of occurrence by an objective investigation, it should result in termination. Most times it has not under past administrations. Disgustingly enough, acts of employees doing their jobs and risking their lives have proven fatal to their careers, and at times lives, because the administration used employees to cover for corruption.
We are no longer going to accept that the past is the past when the same shit is going on, and those in place are failing to address the past trespasses simply because they render them unimportant to them or their agenda, especially when high ranking city officials are still lying. More on that later.
By allowing those that “owe” to stay in place, or possibly be promoted to higher vacated positions, nothing will change, because the rotten culture responsible for this stays in place, and those that are owed still have critical inside access.
Anyone who has had to deal with Raymond D. Schultz under critical circumstances, knows he is nothing but a pathetic narcissistic, dishonorable liar who lies like it is second nature. They also know that this slob enjoys when people kiss his flabby pimply polyp filled ass. There were cases where this clown actually fired people because they didn’t beg for his forgiveness.
We all know of the culture of “nature at play” in APD, and how officers and certain employees could pull their pants down while at work, never fearing repercussions, unless you were not in the ‘in” crowd. These perverts faced no repercussions, while employees doing their jobs were railroaded for the most minor of things in the course of doing their job. These employees weren’t milking the system, lying, devising ways to spew DNA all over the workplace, while getting paid, covering things up, and or generally making the workplace an uninviting, hostile shithole of deviates to work around; pure torture for an honorable person who just wants to do their job, support their family, and go home.
The below documents are being displayed to show how a culture of disparity in discipline, and utter disregard for fairness at an utmost disgusting level has permeated our city, and how it always seems to stem from the police department, and or the usual suspects. We here at the Eye were almost in disbelief at the punishments given out by the City, and APD administration in this case, considering the other high profile cases that were going on at the time, and the fact that the DOJ was entering the city. What is more amazing was how Schultz actually fabricated cases on multiple employees during this time, but treated this incident like it was just a minor blip on the radar screen.
There were many cases during the last decade that were utterly egregious and embarrassing. Many were covered up. There were many other incidents that were nothing, but Schultz and the usual suspects made them something they were not through lies and manipulation.
The problems are spilling over into today, and many of the problem individuals are getting promoted. This is just one on the list that we are getting to, and we are addressing it now, because we are hearing that one of the targets in this investigation, who is a supervision, is being groomed to be next in line to be promoted to the position of Executive Director of Support Services for APD as former Director Bill Slauson’s replacement. Bill Slauson retired.
Below is posted a cross section of over 200 documents we have on the investigation into civilian APD personnel over what we can only describe as an out of control sex scandal by adults who know better, that turned APD main building offices upside down. This obviously spilled over into all other aspects of records concerning APD. We all know how much of a hard time everyone has been given over the years concerning the inspection of public records. We are wondering how much the below listed antics impacted APD’s ability to get things out in a timely manner.
We listed the below documents to show the impact of poor conduct in the workplace and how it affects the agency, public and families involved. It is also has an extreme effect on morale within the department. Officers have told us they know that they will be hung for uttering a curse, or having to use force that may “look” bad, while actions like these will be covered up. Morale right now in APD is horrendous, because officers, and actually everyone for that matter, are fed up of the lies and covering for the lazy, and wrong, while the workers and righteous have to worry about being used like what was done to those over the last decade. There is no trust, and it is evident that politicians do not for the good of all, but for the good of what will keep them in office, or make them more popular. There is no more room for pretentiousness and a ostrich “head in the sand” mentality, because it is getting worse.
Some crime may be down, but do we know if citizens are just so fed up that they are just not calling 911 to report anything, because of the non-existent response times. One thing is for sure, the homicides, and amounts of violent and bizarre crimes are out of control. Still, officers and candidates for police positions do not want to come here, and it is only going to get worse.
The answer is not hard. This can be fixed, because we have heard viable solutions, but none of it is being enacted, and it starts with fixing what was done to re-instill trust with the public, and officers, and get rid of the problems. While doing this, the past transgressions need to be revisited and where exposure lies for those responsible, severe punishment needs to be sought.
Lets get started. Shall we? Check out the below documents for yourself. We would like to hear from employees who were wrongfully attacked or suffered damages during the last decade under Schultz Eden and the rest of them. We welcome comments and more evidence calling for prosecution of the public officials responsible for this mess through their actions and inactions. The documents listed are loosely posted to give you a feel for what was being concealed during the DOJ rampup and to show you who is still around years later.
Below are is the APD STATUS STATUS SHEET of IA # 1-136-12. It contains a very brief synopsis of what went down back in 2012.
The above letters are cute, but actually enraging when you consider other employees who did far less or nothing at all had been given much less of a chance or more so none at all.
This was the largest posting of documents that we have posted to date, but we wanted you to get a glimpse at just a tiny fraction of the shit that has been going on and see just why some are so enraged about what has happened over the years. Please take the time to go over all of the documents posted to see for yourself the disparity in what has been going on in reference to the treatment of city employees. Some may know even further why this is being allowed. We here at the Eye will not relent until attempts are made to repair damages and start doing the right thing.
More is to come on even more people who were rewarded with promotions for poor behavior and you will be even more disgusted as we delve further into Dante’s Inferno.
Until the next time.
The Eye
Where we take our oaths seriously.