The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

May 30, 2011

All Gave Some; Some Gave All...

For many, Memorial day is just a long weekend meant for BBQ's, the lake and family gatherings. For those who have served or who have parents who served or know brothers and/or sisters in the service who have been wounded and who have paid the ultimate sacrifice; it is something very different. Today is a day we remember the fallen. Please take a moment or two and remember the fallen and the sacrifice they made to ensure our Country continues to be free.

Remember, the price of freedom is not cheap. We all need to thank the men and women who keep this great Country, the United States of America, safe and free.


May 23, 2011

Who is Watching You, KRQE?

Recently many people have left the Eye comments asking why the media hasn’t reported the allegations against Darren White and his alleged behavior that has left many unanswered questions as to why he is still employed as the Public Safety Director. The answer seems easy; he is in the media’s back pocket. Wait, he was the media. In fact, Director Darren White was employed with KRQE as a television crime reporter before becoming the Bernalillo County Sheriff. It is not surprising when the media quickly reports on and criticizes the behaviors of police, especially since current administration (White included) appears so anti-police.

It seems only right that the Eye reports on the behavior of one of KRQE’s own, Jonathan Chandler (aka Johnny on the Spot). According to his KRQE bio, Jonathan Chandler is an Assignment Manager and Reporter for KRQE NEWS 13 & KASA FOX 2 and is known as Johnny On The Spot. His duties include which stories will be reported on and which stories will be shown for those to watch. Needless to say, none of this weekend’s incident was ever reported. Our sources are very descriptive on the following accounts:

On May 21, 2011 at approximately 2:16 in the morning officers were dispatched to the 7000 block of Ranchwood Dr. NW in reference to shots being fired. Normally, this may be a routine call, but police were receiving numerous calls about the continuous shots that were being fired in their neighborhood. Officers were able to make contact with Jonathan Chandler. To say Chandler appeared intoxicated is an understatement. In fact, he appeared so highly intoxicated that he later had to be transported to the hospital for medical treatment. Jonathan Chandler admitted to police that he was in fact the one that was firing the shots because he was so upset over a recent breakup with his girlfriend. Officers on scene recovered approximately ten shotgun shells in his backyard as well as the shotgun that was used. Because of his high intoxication, criminal charges included negligent use of a firearm. It is highly dangerous for someone intoxicated to shoot any type of firearm because of the obvious potential for someone to get hurt. Mr. Chandler was reportedly transported to the hospital, forcing officers to issue a criminal summons for him. He was too intoxicated to be taken to jail. The Eye finds it interesting that nothing was broadcast about this incident, as it would have been the headline story had the roles been reversed had it had been an officer that was partaking in this criminal behavior.

Mr. Chandler’s Facebook profile picture shows that he is no stranger to firearms. Now it seems he will no longer be a stranger to the court system either.

May 19, 2011

The Weather isn’t the Only Cold thing in Albuquerque; Darren White is as Cold, Cruel and Heartless as the Grim Reaper!!!

Breaking news; Albuquerque’s Public Safety Officer, Darren White, is throwing ten families out on the streets Saturday, May 21, 2011. These families were told to move out of their current homes located at the 21 Motel on Central Avenue or be thrown out on Saturday. In the Channel 7 story (see here) White stated, "People are down on their luck, and people shouldn't take advantage of them.” White made this statement while he was ordering all ten families to move or be thrown out. This is clearly an oxymoron statement by White. How cold, cruel and heartless can one human being be to another?

These families have no place to go and White thinks it’s ok to treat these families like human trash and discard them. White is committing a crime against humanity. These are human beings who eat, sleep, breathe and bleed just like you and Eye.

Our current economic downfall has hurt everyone and has hurt the owner of this motel. The Eye spoke to some of the residents and they say the living conditions are not like the half million dollar home where White lives, but this motel is tolerable. One resident even said the owner has helped her and her child out by allowing her and her child to live there without paying him at times, or paying him very little. The owner would rather sacrifice income and continue placing a roof over the heads of these families, then to leave them homeless. The problem is; it creates a lack of finances available to keep the owner afloat and the property maintained.

How can anyone make money to improve what they have when they have very little or nothing at all? Why can’t the City step in to help these families and this property owner? Wasn’t Mayor Berry setting aside money ($500,000.00) to help out and prevent homelessness? Maybe Berry could spare some of that money and use it to save these families? These families need a “helping hand, not a hand throwing them out.”

Well; Albuquerque does have heroes; several good Samaritans are chipping in, like one small construction business owner who donated 15 gallons of paint and a $100.00 Lowes gift card. He gave this from his heart; he said the economy has been hard for him and he didn’t have much, but he gave what he could.

Other heroes are those that are going to donate their time and/or money, by giving and/or going to the 21 Motel, and work to bring the motel into compliance. The Eye is asking for your help, any donation would be appreciated; it doesn’t have to be much. All donations are being accepted at 1400 4th St. N.W. or call (505) 821-3775.

The community is coming together to prevent this cruelty from continuing. Anyone interested in helping can show up at 1400 4th St. N.W. at 8:00 A.M. tomorrow, Friday, May 20, 2011. You will be in great company! Showing their support for the community and their compassion for these families will be NFL players: RYAN COOK of the VIKINGS, and ERIC COOK of the REDSKINS, also, two UFC FIGHTERS; CLAY THE CARPENTER GUIDA AND DAMACIO THE ANGEL OF DEATH PAGE. Several of these stars have already made donations. The humane treatment of our fellow men, women and children are the traits of true leadership and of truly compassionate human beings.

These families are guilty of being poor; nothing more. A gift from your heart for these families is sincerely appreciated.

May 17, 2011

Councilor Sanchez Makes Right Choices

During Monday night’s City Council meeting, according to the Albuquerque Journal (see here), Councilor Brad Winter proposed to “shift approximately $3 million from the operating budget to capital programs.” This was contrary to a proposal by Councilor Sanchez. The proposal sponsored by Sanchez “would have left the $3 million in the operating budget to fill vacant jobs in understaffed departments and provide small pay raises to employees. Supporters said it would help city workers who endured pay cuts last summer.” Councilor O’Malley stated, "All these departments have been cut to the bone." The Journal stated that “O’Malley and other critics said the city doesn't have enough money to operate the capital projects it builds now, so constructing more projects doesn't make sense.”

"We have so many projects to do and very little money to do them," Winter said. Let’s look at the track record for APS where Brad Winter is the Operations Executive. APS is over $30 million dollars in the red. If Winter wants to run the City the way APS is run; he will need to pull out his pocketbook and write a check. APS appears to be grossly mismanaged and to bring this type of philosophy to the City is wrong and clearly a conflict of interest. Winter was accused of carrying out Berry’s marching orders. Berry wants to put a boardwalk by the Rio Grande. "We have to make sure we invest in our future," Councilor Harris said. "We have to make sure we keep Albuquerque special."

Mayor Berry, Councilor Winter and others need to realize a few simple facts. A “Board Walk” along the Rio Grande is foolish. If people cannot put gas in their cars, buy groceries, or diapers for their children, they will definitely not be able to afford to go to the “Board Walk” to help keep Albuquerque special.

Part of Councilor Ken Sanchez’s’ budget proposal was to eliminate the money that funds the Public Safety Director’s position. The position is currently held by Darren White. White has stained Albuquerque and has created one debacle after another. Barry made a campaign promise to eliminate the position stating that it was un-needed. No one from City hall can tell us exactly what White does other than pull down a huge salary.

If the City would require White to have an x-ray, the results would most likely look like the following:

The Eye is sure that Councilor Winter’s result would be the same.

All Joking aside (that was a joke, right?); our City leaders need to conduct themselves accordingly and do what is “right.” Save the politics for the leaders who have a personal agenda. Do what is right for City employees and for the City of Albuquerque itself

Kudos to Councilors; Sanchez, O’Malley, Garduño, and Benton for doing what is right. Shame on Councilors; Winter, Harris, Lewis, Cook and Jones for playing dirty.

May 15, 2011


The Eye On Albuquerque is sorry for any inconvenience experienced this past week. Google experienced technical difficulties which affected our blog including your ability to post comments. Our blog is fully back in service and you are welcome to post your comments once again.

Please check in frequently for our news stories for this coming week.

The Eye On Albuquerque

May 10, 2011

Good Ol’ Boys and Family strikes it Rich! No One Else Need Apply

For those men and women honored with wearing the Albuquerque Police Department’s badge know the challenges the academy takes both mentally and physically. Many officers talk about their days during the academy of running miles, short lunch breaks, defensive tactics, getting maced in the face, and endless writing. But if you are one of the Good Ol’ Boys or a family member of APD’s top command staff, this might be different. The APD Academy is seen by many departments as one of the best academies in law enforcement. In fact, laterals (current police officers) often uproot their families to move to Albuquerque just to join the Police Department.
The lateral police academy usually takes at least 8 weeks of getting the laterals acclimated to the way APD operates. Unfortunately, right now the hiring of laterals is at a freeze. (See @ In fact, a recent call to the APD Academy confirmed this current freeze. An APD academy staff member stated that the interest card would be kept on file but the City is not hiring any laterals and there is no time frame as to when they would. Here’s a perplexing question, why is there a “lateral police officer” in a Civilian PTU (Prisoner Transportation Unit) Class?

Our Eyes through other sources, have told us that this lateral has not been in law enforcement for over 8 years. This lateral left the APD shortly after graduating from the academy, for military duty and then chose to live the last several years as a civilian. None of this lateral’s certifications were maintained, no firearms qualifications were maintained, nothing. So why is this person allowed to enter the department while going through a civilian academy? Wasn’t it Darren White who criticized the department in one of the last police involved shootings, crying that the department needed more training? So why is this person allowed to be an exception? Our eyes have told us the answer is simple, it’s called “family.” The person, who is male, is currently in the Prisoner Transport Academy and is supposedly related to Deputy Chief Allan Banks (yes, the same deputy chief in charge of the academy).

Our Eyes spoke to recruiters who stated this action is unheard of, but not surprising. There is no talk right now as to when the lateral hiring will commence, it is in fact, on a hiring freeze. Regardless of past training, laterals would be considered laterals only if they were coming in from another law enforcement agency. Especially when you are talking about a cadet that served very little time in the department to begin with. Regardless of state standards in reference to training, APD has never sent a lateral to a civilian training course in order to become a sworn police officer. We need to ask Darren White, does the department really need more training, or is it now acceptable that officers just need a “civilian” course taught by and attended by civilians to be a fully commissioned officer?

May 5, 2011

City elects to take a shot at ruining your Credit!

Lights, Action; Scamera! According to the City, it is allegedly owed over ten million dollars in “red light scamera” fines. Does anybody recall Mayoral Candidate, Richard J. Berry making the statement that the red light scamera’s would be removed if he were elected? The Eye remembers this statement well. Berry has yet to keep his campaign promise and rid the City of this menacing scam. Now, the City wants to ruin your credit by sending you to collections.

As reported on Channel 13 News (see here), Public Safety Director, Darren White, stated, "If you are issued a citation, we want you to pay that and if you don't we need to go after you," Oddly enough, White who was a former law enforcement officer, does not state or encourage the public to exercise their rights to challenge the citation. No, he stated “pay that” or “we will…go after you.” This is outright harassment because the public refuses to take part in the City’s fleecing of the citizenry. These tactics are similar to Jim Jones who instructed members of his congregation in Jonestown Guyana to drink poisoned cool aide. The days of “do what I say or else” is not acceptable to a public who are educated and understand the processes and procedures unlike White obviously.

Not too long ago, Mayor Berry admitted that the red light scamera’s were causing rear-end crashes. People were panicked and were stopping at the intersection to avoid receiving a phony citation from the City and became victims of rear-end crashes. This was a result of a UNM study that the City authorized. In response, the City turned off the speed portion of the scamera’s. Was this too little, too late? Perhaps all the citizens who were involved in crashes at all these intersections should file a ten million dollar lawsuit against the City since they have already admitted wrong doing with the scamera’s?

The City by proxy is a collection agency. Part of the money collected from the Red light scamera’s go to Redflex. Thank Chief Ray Schultz for bringing his baggage (Redflex) back with him from Scottsdale, Arizona. The Eye is sure that Redflex appreciates the City filling their pockets with money from fleecing the citizens of Albuquerque.

Berry should be honest and keep his campaign promises. First, instructing the City to revoke the Redflex contract and abolish the program. Two, if the City is so concerned about money, they can tighten their belt like the rest of us. Along with that, Berry could fulfill one his other campaign promises; eliminate the Public Safety Directors’ position. There are several other areas where the City could do some house cleaning and save a bundle of money.

Some are calling for change. The City of Albuquerque needs new, better, and more professional leadership. This debacle has ruined their chance; it’s time to move forward and correct the ill of this group.

Hopefully, the City Council will not allow this bulling by White and the rest of the clan at City Hall.

May 3, 2011

Federal Judge Slams City; Chief Shultz Skates Again

The City of Albuquerque is left holding the bag again, thanks to the irresponsible actions of the City’s Nuisance Abatement Team. The team has several APD officers assigned to it as well as a few inspectors. The team was being overseen by Pete Dinelli who is an attorney and former City Councilor. According to the Journal report (see here), “A federal judge's ruling that the city has engaged in overzealous enforcement of its nuisance abatement ordinance — resulting in the eviction of some residents without a hearing beforehand.”

The City’s Nuisance Abatement Ordinance was one of the items that former Mayor Marty Chavez prided himself with.

According to the Journal, “U.S. District Judge James O. Browning found the city had failed to show sufficient evidence about whether the code violations in the challenged cases demonstrated an immediate danger to the lives and safety of the occupants — enough to turn people out of their homes without a warrant.”

According to the former City Attorney and now COA of Albuquerque, Rob Perry stated, "Really, what the problem is, oversight and supervision of this unit at the senior management levels was atrocious. ‘That's what permitted this to occur.’" Clearly Pete Dinelli was the Public Safety Director at the time and Ray Schultz was the Chief of Police. Dinelli is gone but Schultz is still here and costing the tax payers big bucks.

Interesting enough, “Perry defended the work of police and code enforcement officers, and said the high-profile evictions that generated headlines and TV coverage weren't necessarily sound policy. ‘Here's the reality: (They) weren't lawyers, but you know what? The former public safety director was, and the former mayor was. And they have to take a certain responsibility for the policies they implemented,’" he said.

Perry spoke condescending about Dinelli and Chavez, but not a word about one of the “Good Ol’ Boys” like Schultz, who is considered part of the City’s “senior management.” Why is Perry willing to shove Dinelli and Chavez under the bus and let Chief Schultz skate by on this one too? You will have to decide that question on your own.

Now Darren White is the Public Safety Director. It looks like the City of Albuquerque “jumped from the pan into the fire.” Way to go Berry.

The Suit was filed by Joe and Shannon Kennedy on behalf of Kevin Lowery and others, a class that they estimate includes roughly 200 individuals or families. The Eye is sure that the Kennedy's will be expecting a huge settlement which has become common when dealing with anything Schultz has his hand in.

The Eye On Albuquerque reported on the abatement team back in July of 2009. The Eye stated in the story, “If we are going to have a nuisance abatement unit, it better have strict procedures and be monitored closely for potential abuse (see here).” But apparently the City did not adhere to our warning then either.

May 1, 2011

Public Notice

One of our Eyes has passed on a threat of extortion from the Berry boys at City Hall. Apparently, they have threatened to file a bogus suit against “John Doe” AKA: The Eye On Albuquerque. Apparently the boys want the courts to be a party to their extortion and to allow them to go on a "fishing expedition."

As with any bully’s tactics, there was blackmail (extortion). The Eye was delivered this extortion by a third party. The offer was for the Eye On Albuquerque to shut down, in exchange for not being sued and exposing who the "secret" person(s) are behind the Eye On Albuquerque. Apparently Google has refused to give them any information about us or violate any of our rights. The Berry Bad Boys are now desperate and have now resorted to extortion.

The Eye wants to provide a free lesson from a layperson’s point of view on what they are doing.

The legal terminology for “Extortion” as defined by the New Mexico State Statue as follows:

30-16-9. Extortion.

Extortion consists of the communication or transmission of any threat to another by any means whatsoever with intent thereby to wrongfully obtain anything of value or to wrongfully compel the person threatened to do or refrain from doing any act against his will.

Any of the following acts shall be sufficient to constitute a threat under this section:

A. a threat to do an unlawful injury to the person or property of the person threatened or of another;

B. a threat to accuse the person threatened, or another, of any crime;
C. a threat to expose, or impute to the person threatened, or another, any deformity or disgrace;

D. a threat to expose any secret affecting the person threatened, or another; or

E. a threat to kidnap the person threatened or another.

Whoever commits extortion is guilty of a third degree felony.

The Eye On Albuquerque has no intention of succumbing to the pressure of these tyrants. The Eye On Albuquerque does wish to express openly what our website is about and review our policies, procedures and public disclaimers in an open blog to the public at large.

First, on the Eye On Albuquerque website, off to your right as you view our site there is a column. Under the “Eye” picture is a statement; “Contact The Eye with Questions, Concerns, or Information.” Immediately below that is our contact e-mail address, “” To clarify what this means, if a viewer of this site or anyone else has any questions or concerns, they must email us and notify us about their question or concern.

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This policy is self explanatory. We would like to reiterate this specific point, “If you wish to dispute any comment for its truth or factual basis; contact us. The content of “comments” contained in the comments section does not necessarily reflect the thoughts, feelings or opinions of the Eye On Albuquerque.” If you wish to challenge anything written in this blog you must follow our policies and our procedures. The first step towards any type of resolution is to contact us at “”

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If this criminal activity continues, the Eye On Albuquerque will take swift and decisive action to ensure that all criminal and civil penalties are served on the offending party(s). If this becomes necessary, the Eye On Albuquerque will seek action against the party(s) involved in both their official and unofficial capacity.

The purpose if this post is to clearly communicate to the offending party(s) that the Eye On Albuquerque will not be intimidated or harassed. The offending party(s) have now been placed on public notice to “Cease and Desist” from any further actions. If this continues, we will be seeking compensation from the offending party(s) and any other party(s) involved in any way, shape or forum and/or any other entity involved. The Eye On Albuquerque knows how much the boys like spending money that belongs to the tax payers. We will seek compensation from them individually.

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“We the people; by the people and for the people.”