This past Sunday, Ken Walz's paper, The Albuquerque Journal published a column by Albuquerque's Mayor, RJ Berry. In a rare and atypical moment of individual expression, Berry asserted how the city would work with the US Department of Justice and reiterated his unyielding support of APD's Chief Ray Schultz, the primum movens of this mess, by stating: "I our chief..."
Berry continued in his column about the "60-plus reforms" APD and his administration has made to effect a "very real and positive difference in our community and for our officers." Berry contends the implementation of these "60-plus reforms" are best defined by: the officer worn video lapel cameras, 60+college credits/military time hiring requirements, doubling the crisis intervention training by officers, and the hiring of a civilian training director at APD's academy.
Berry also directed attention to his perceived notion why DOJ is investigating his police department: "allegations by members of our community that APD officers engage in the systematic use of excessive force."
Besides the expected political banter of a candidate facing decimation, Berry stated little else. Sure, he put forward the ideals of "community trust in our department is vital" and "keep our police officers safe while on duty." And he also projected the desirable goals we all share including: "We...strive for positive community outcomes," "I am confident at this point that this is the goal of everyone involved," and "I look forward to a candid and open dialog with the Department of Justice..."
So let's be candid shall we?
With respect to the "60-plus reforms," the lapel cameras have done little but invoke a chilling effect upon citizens who want to talk with their local police officers and inhibit officers from initiating proactive law enforcement efforts. Sure, there are the occasions where despite the cameras misconduct will be recorded, but the net effect is a reduction in trust and a reduction in service. The college/military requirement is nothing but a ruse to increase the hiring age of officers. Despite the fact that APD's own PERF reported observed there was no correlation between an officer's age and the propensity to use deadly force, among the more stunning effects of this requirement is the near total abandonment of police recruit applications. As Officer Wilder identified in his notice of retirement letter, only one police academy cadet class is scheduled for late 2013. And given now that the APD is a target of a multimillion dollar investigation by DOJ, we can't imagine that is a recruiting incentive.
Berry's assertion that APD officers who receive "Crisis Intervention Training" will double is a sheer fabrication. As per state DPS basic police officer certification standards, ALL police recruits receive at least 40 hours of CIT training. This training has been standard policy for over ten years. In APD's academy, recruits are put through academic and role-player staffed scenario training emphasizing verbal judo and deescalation. If anything, there has been but only two CIT specialized training sessions since the retirement of CIT sergeant Jan Olstad a few years ago and the CIT unit has been all but abandoned. Lastly, with the replacement of a paramilitary police academy with an academic academy comes an absence of discipline. Despite the goals of Mr. Wolf at APD's academy, new officers will be thrust into a dynamic and chaotic world where decisions must be made instantly and orders need to be followed. Mr. Wolf's model may work for persons desiring to become investigators or federal law enforcement where there are no elements consistent with first responders but it has no history of success with the police model. When confronted with terror, our new officers will either freeze, run or resort to their biggest stick: their gun.
Moving to Berry's aspersions to the community, Mr. Berry either misapprehends what has happened in Albuquerque or is simply lying. The community's response is symptomatic of what has happened with APD. The DOJ is not here because of a few dozen folks who happen to take their 1st Amendment rights seriously. As more officers retire and resign from APD, more and more evidence in support of what we at the Eye have been saying for years comes to light. APD's troubles begin and end at the top of the chain of command.
When Berry says, "we will not shy away from difficult decisions that need to be made for the betterment of Albuquerque," is he being consistent with his actions when he and his administration hide behind their lawyer when confronted with egregious conduct by department leaders at the suspicious death scene of prominent civil rights lawyer Mary Han? Is he being consistent with this statement when he is seen having frequent dinners with Ms. Han's former (and fired) law partner, Paul Kennedy, at Tanoan? When Berry says one of his goals is to "believe in our police officers..," is he being consistent when he supports the chief of his department who levies discipline in such an arbitrary fashion that his actions have cost city taxpayers millions of dollars? Or when he supports the unlawful termination of officers who use less-lethal force in apprehending a violent fleeing felon? Or when he fails to abide by agreed upon contracts between his officers? When in response to the DOJ investigation, Berry says, "...we will make cooperation, professionalism, and collaboration the order of the day" is he being consistent with his action of VETOING city council's resolution to proactively invite DOJ in to investigate APD? Or when Schultz uses intimidating tactics to squelch officer, or civilian, contact with DOJ?
And when Berry says, "Chief Schultz, the department, and my administration will work with the DOJ," is he being consistent when Schultz issues an order requiring all officers who contact DOJ (via email or in person) to advise the 5th floor of the details of their contact?
Berry asserts that he desires an ultimate goal of DOJ's investigation as being the restoration of trust between the community and his administration. Such restoration will not come without pain and hardship. Our Eyes tell us the scale of what DOJ is bringing is almost beyond comprehension in terms of personnel and its effect upon the institution of APD. There will be a degree of scrutiny that we citizens of Albuquerque have never seen before.
We at the Eye would like to see Berry consistent with his representations for once. In order to achieve this ultimate goal of trust restoration, there must be some pain. We in the community of citizens, current officers, and former officers have seen enough: Mr. Berry, terminate Ray Schultz as APD Chief of Police and resign.
P.S. We at the Eye have not forgotten about the APOA's castrated silence in this matter. Despite the fact that their own survey concluded moral is down (and that there is a direct relationship between decreased moral and poor productivity) they have been all but silent in asserting solutions to this matter. Additionally, we were shocked to find out that their expert in officer retaliation and treachery, Ron Olivas, had anything to say to DOJ personnel.
The Piercing Truth
This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes
Dec 3, 2012
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Well, Well, well,
Mr Ken Walz wants a part of the DOJ investigation, it seems. Since Ken knows so much, maybe the feds should speak to him. I think the journal is a good part of the problem. That paper is full of lies and agenda. That's right walz. Agenda. That's what you get as a reward for covering for criminals and liars. Does this rag even take a stance? It seems all they do is flip flop. A little investigative footwork shows that they say one thing, and a few months later they say something completely different. Walz and his self serving agenda based political ball washing paper are a disgrace. Maybe walz should sit in on his pal Ray when he is testilying to see that his plans are backfiring in his face. Everyone but the journal knows the truth and it's coming out. No one needs your pissy yellow journalism, ya creep. We all know your feelings are hurt. Want a tissue for your issue? It's funny how the guy who supposedly runs a newspaper reads the eye and gets sand in his panties over it. Hey ken, it's only a story. Don't get so hurt. Don't act like one of those passive aggressive childern who take their ball and go home only to run their mouth on the internet. I can hear kenny now...I'll show them. Hey Jeffrey, write another article pushing schultz's bullshit and the mayor's agenda!!!! Hurry, I want to get those guys back for embarrassing us! What a sissy.
The journal's credibility is seriously at issue here. No standard of consistency whatsoever. None. As a matter of fact, their bias is blatantly obvious. Maybe these jokers over at the Journal are trying to develop a taste for crow, because someone has a boatload of the birdies just for'em. Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Get ready for dinner fellas. Main course, crow. Appetizers... Crow. Dessert... Crow. Would you like some crow tea? Hope you all like crow feet and all.
I love how the Eye keeps shoving it up the journal's ass, and how the journal obviously writes bullshit in response, to retaliate like a bunch of spoiled douche bags. The spin is over fellas. The feds are here. Schultz and Berry did everything they could to keep them out while acting like they had nothing to hide if they did come in. Everyone knows they are full of shit. Nobody goes to the lengths of lying to the media, and scrambling to respond to every single incident with overblown bullshit, framing their officers, and then running away and retiring when the shit hits the fan. In case someone hasn't told you all. It's over. If Berry and schitz were smart, they would shut their fat mouths while an investigation is going on. Nobody really wants to hear what they want to do. They already know that, and they know what they did.
Do some investigative journalism on Mr. Walz. I'm sure there is alot of interesting information out there that inquiring minds would like to know about. Thousands of people read this site a day and the numbers of readers are growing exponentially. Put the light on Walz.
Supporting Schultz and Berry; like trying to keep the Titanic afloat with waterwings. Let me break the news to ya, Nothing is going to help.
How would you even know who has or has not met with DOJ Tom?
Instead of throwing it out there like bait, If you are truly the voice of the silent majority, then have one of your "eyes" call someone down there and ask, you might be surprised, and for once, you might actually begin to align the 34s..
If there was any doubt Berry is gonna blame officers for his mess he erased it in yesterday's article. No distancing from Schultz at all. No ownership for the failure that is Apd. But hey when you got geniuses like Gonterman, Rowe, medina, Comacho, mason, Montoya and Christman all on standby to run the dept....lof course it's the officers fault. Dumbass dingleberry!
Someone needs to tell the mayor that it isn't his call as to who is at fault. He can recite his prepared propaganda all he wants. The mayor has absolutely no law enforcement experience, but thinks he has a valid opinion on what the problem is here. The DOJ will TEACH him what the problem is here.
Hey Berry! I believe in Santa Clause too.........
I love my mushrooms! You see they are like the canaries miners used to use to alert them to noxious and poisonous gas. When the bird is dead, it's time to get out of the mine. Mushrooms pop up here whenever a raw nerve is hit. They tell us when they're getting scared. When they start distracting from the subject matter you know they are concerned. The funny thing is they don't last very long. They just pop up long enough to get stepped on. That tells me their heart really is in it only as far as their paycheck is. Once that goes, so goes the mushrooms. So my soft mushy rotten to the core friend, how is it for the last 18 months Berry/Perry/White/Schultz have done everything they can to avoid DOJ? Why is it they have been so intent on destroying the APOA? Why is it they are now running to the very federal investigators they hid from a few weeks ago?
I'm glad Schuultz got to spend some time with his bff Darren White at the Jackson's MMA fight. I think it's great that the chief, who's department is under the water, got to spend some quality time with his buddy. We should peel that onion skin and find out about the cost of those tickets. I'm still waiting to see the lapel camera video from Schultz dwi arrest in September! Let's peel that onion shall we? TJ doesnt like mushrooms because he doesnt believe in cannibalism.
Like I said, I like my mushrooms. They are good to saute with onions. In fact all this talk of food has got me hungry for some meat which I'll dress with my fried onions and mushrooms.
Ta Ta!
I often times read this site and find some comments appalling. There are unamed "sources" of information which is never confirmed but negative comments about individuals flow at a high rate. These comments only divide an organization which has obviously occurred at APD.
I am not a Police Officer but I am involved in the Justice System here locally. I am amused at the rate that the Eye of Albuquerque easily "throws around" the name of Mary Han. I was not "friends" with Ms. Han although we were in the same circles and I attended some social events with her. Ms. Han had a way of grace about her and carried herself in a professional manner. She appeared to be very quiet and generally left events early. If Ms. Han were alive today she would not allow her name to be used with such urgency on a web site such as the Eye of Albuquerque. I do not know any of the facts surrounding the death of Ms. Han and I know the facts will not be found on the Eye of Albuquerque. I hope the next time a comment is made, the person at the keyboyard knows that Ms. Han spoke with facts to back her statements and she would not approve the use of her name at such a high rate. It appears that the Eye of Albuquerque is using Mary Han's name to give their web site credibility.
Hahaha.... Mushrooms don't like DOJ sunshine either!!!! LOFL @ the mushrooms! Smurfs like them though.
See, now its the "you should be ashamed of yourselves" game. What's next the "we're all team players and your divisive?" TJ/McCleskey and other fans of corruption...go fill your pie holes with well done Onions! printed her name SEVEN times in your rant while the Eye's article mentions her name once. Seven times! Classic example of "do as I say, not as I do." Classic!
But this aint about her or anyone else in particular, this mess is about DOJ having to come in and undo this mess thanks to Berry/Schultz/Perry/White. The true pep boys.
This title should read "local bird cage liner".
These defendants are incredible. Is there no line they won't cross? Now they want to act like they fight for people's reputations. Nice jedi mind trick, but nobody is falling for it. The Eye is not using anyone's name to legitimize what is already legit. The information is put out here, and those outed are getting their feelings hurt. Tough. 11:00's comment is an obvious attempt to sway people against the truth by trying to villify what is shining the light on corruption.
I suppose this upholder of the legal system agrees with the way that scene was handled. Well, I believe the Eye more than I believe the GANG of hypocrit thugs running things in this city. Especially those running APD.
Good luck speaking from your soapbox on the deck of the Titanic.
Holy crap... I see a female hispanic commander being promoted to Deputy Chief... Mark my words...
Me thinks me will be retiring very soon....
If dodi the dodo gets promoted to DC believe you me it is not based on merit, but rather to keep with the status quo of the department failures. schultz/berry will look good in the eyes of the Latino community amd females in general by making this move. But what the entire department knows and what the citizens do not, when it comes to promoting the most qualified persons beyond the rank of Lieutenant is that it is done for politics sake only and not to better the department or enhance its services. Every appointment to Commander/DC since schultz has held his dictatorship has resulted in "yes men" or idiots who know no better and become "yes men" to the schultzarian ways nonetheless. This particular appointement to DC on paper, a female Latina with a masters degree, seems like a "no-brainer." But the only "no brainer" when it comes to actual police work would be her. Somehow she has managed to keep getting herself promoted when her work performance as a supervisor should have instead got her demoted and/or terminated. Horribly bad investigations and decision making at the sake of citizens being arrested, being AWOL routinely from work because she was too lazy to work the graveyard shift and causing other on-duty Sergeants to manage her squad, or her backyard (on-duty in Rio Rancho mind you) escapades that disturbed neighbors and those poor guys and gals who were working that night as "it" was broadcasted over the radio for all to hear, yet here she is on the verge of being promoted by to DC. APD was broken, this is would prove even worse. What an embarrassing failure APD has become.
Comm Mac Page is the only one I would promote to DC under the current command staff.
What the heck, even Lt. Louie would have more integrity then those commanders we have now. At least he calls the kettle black when the kettle is black. Both of these guys would not put up with the garbage and do whats right.
Dodi has great skills. A true leader of the police. When she griped to the APOA about lieutenant Todd Armendarez getting placed in front of her in the 2010 bid she showed true class. When you have a fellow officer dying from cancer, it takes solid leadership and moral skills to fuck them over. That's what APD needs, a person who is full of conviction and who can make tough decisions.
Worthless fake cop if there ever was one.
I know someone who has the audio of that transmission. Let them promote!
Mac Paige will never take the DC spot because he has morals and integrity. Morals and integrity don't fit in with the current 5th floor.
12/3 11:00,
I sometimes read this site and find comments like yours appalling and full of shit and hypocrisy. I don't need to be in the Justice System here locally to see this either.
You obviously did not know Mary, or you would know that she would have been proud of the fact that in light of the tragedy of her untimely departure, a whole hell of alot of people are now standing up and fighting against the corruption in this city. She spawned a cause that's taking on momentum.
What happened to her is sad and hard to accept, especially on those who were close to her, and whom she influenced so positively, but she will live on in those who's lives she touched. So you should get off your high horse and accept the fact that a lot of positive changes are going to come directly and indirectly from this sad and horrible event. Mary would approve.
The only urgency here is respect, justice and closure.
Anybody see Weber's Apoa video!? Yikes....cuckoled in full display there. As usual they roll over like the dogs they are. And comment above "call down there?!". Yeah, we know how you guys operate....just like how the top dog trained you--with passive retaliation and hate.
Ms 12/ be the focus of soooo much rejection it really must have been simply too much. In fact it really satisfies the motive requirement doesn't it.....?
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