Why do we at the Eye say this? Let’s begin with the AJ’s obvious bias… In the paper Mr. McCorkle’s column is listed as a letter to the editor and he is identified as a mere Albuquerque resident. Why would the paper want to conceal Mr. McCorkle’s involvement, positions, and leadership with such organizations as: Technology Ventures Corporation (http://techventures.org/), Sandia Science & Technology Park (http://www.sstp.org/), NM Angels (http://www.nmangels.com), and was a board member of Sunwest bank, and New Mexico Bank & Trust. But yet the AJ played down his standing in the community? Hmmmm………..
Despite Mr. McCorkle’s business success he is woefully uninformed at best, or lying at worst when it comes to his statements about Albuquerque Mayor RJ Berry and APD Chief of Police Ray Schultz:
1. APD’s Organized Crime Unit did not receive “the most prestigious award” in law enforcement. A niche award was bestowed upon them by the IACP. And ironically, no detectives were brought to San Diego to accept the award by APD’s fearless leader, in fact it was Ray Schultz and a civilian named Karen who accepted it.
2. The city’s crime rate has not dropped under Berry. In fact the Albuquerque Journal itself reported that the crime rate has increased as evidenced by FBI statistics.
3. Mr. McCorkle highlights elements of the The Albuquerque Progress Report while omitting the huge concerns such as Albuquerque’s lowest standing in violent crimes per capita, job growth, disparity in income, and Forbes and other national periodicals have ranked Albuquerque as one of the WORST places to do business.
4. That under RJ Berry, the police department is in total disarray: from the departure of Darren White, to criminal conduct by supervisors and department leaders, to ineptitude by its own chief of police.
5. And last, but not least, the management of APD by RJ Berry, Ray Schultz, and Rob Perry is so poor, that a national investigation of the highest order is under way by the United States Department of Justice into APD’s patterns and practices.
Mr. McCorkle closes his editorial by saying “I, for one, appreciate the efforts of APD, Chief Schultz and Mayor Berry.” To which we at the Eye ask, Mr. McCorkle, is APD and the City of Albuquerque really the type of institution you would put your own money in? Would you counsel investors to invest in a corporation that has leaders like this? Would you risk your own children’s future with people like this? Our advise for you is to go back to driving your fancy cars and the things that you are informed about. Your positions as reflected, and endorsed in the paper are in conflict with reality.
At the end of McCorkle's letter to the Journal is the notation "This reflects Sherman McCorkle's personal view and not that of any organization of which he may be a member." McCorkle was the Chairman of Mayor Berry's transition team and worked on Berry's campaign and is believed close to Jay McCluskey, the person who managed Berry's campaign. McCorkle is a close friend of Darren White and pushed for Darren's appointment as Chief Public Safety Officer. The Civil Rights class action lawsuite referred to in MCorkles letter was stipulated to be filed against the City by Rob Perry and covered the first year of the Berry adminsration and Darren was not named a defendant thanks to Perry. The case was settled for an outrageos amount by Levy with the City agreeing to pay Joe Kennedy $500,000 in attorney fees without objection.
This is for the IDIOT saying Apd's woes are because of Marty Chavez/Nick Bakas... As a fan of neither, they both suck, nobody can say they didn't keep shit in order. Except you and this McCorkle rat. Are you fuck'n kidding me!? Schultz has been chief since 05 and he has let this shit fester by his inaction and vindictiveness. Berry has let this shit happen by his stupidity and being owned by people like McCorkle. 5-8 years to fester? Are you insane. All it takes is a few souls to say BULLSHIT to these shenanigans and welcome DOJ. Bakas/Chavez may have put bad policies upon the chief but Schulrz executed them? U wanna argue that, I'll send the EYE copies of Castro's memos showing HIS and Schultz's efforts to hire more cops at their parameters NOT Chavez. Keep suckin up to Perry/Erry/Schultz/Levy...you'll be unemployed soon...if not indicted.
McCorkle back Berry and Berry backs McCorkle same old politicl BS. I thought the letter was way out of line with reality. Good job Eye on bringing this to light. Your article here needs to go to the Journal.
Someone seems to continually see fit to post support for, and deflect blame away from the current administration. I find this absurd on all levels. It seems that Schultz has been chief for quite a few years, and he has been employed with APD for a long time. He worked with the previous Mayor, and there was a reason that Berry said that if he was elected he would get rid of Schultz. Well, he didn't, and now you all see what we have here. We have a person who does not have the spine to admit that he failed a city and cost them millions for his out of control antics. Instead, he promotes incompetents, who would run the other way from danger out there on the streets. He points the finger at the officers of APD. Look around Schutlz. They are all the same. None of them can look you in the eye. Berry kept this malfeasant in position and things steadily got worse. Worse than I think anyone could have imagined. Berry "invested" in the mayoral position. It was for what it could get him and personal agenda. Nothing else. All of it at the expense of the citizens who were duped and lied to and the city employees. This was all done knowingly and with intent. Berry has no idea what public administration means. His walking stroke Perry is used for that. They all stick together because their plan is worthless without the one brain they all share. And that unethical, piss poor excuse for a human and a lawyer, who plots with these idiots, and defends their actions with outright lies, promptings and preparations needs to be disbarred. Sanction after sanction. Game after game. Everyone who knows Levy knows that anything she has ever won was by default, unethical behavior, or just plain stacking the deck. Everyone also knows to check everything she says not once but twice, then again for good measure. Every single one of these miscreants is connected with every high profile foul up going on in this city right now. They have gotten away with their extortion, witness tampering, threats, retaliation, calling in of favors, deck stacking, malicious prosecution, civil rights violations, and cowardly back stabbing behavior long enough. Employees might be terrified, but I also know that alot are not and they are fed up. They also happen to be the ones with a lot of collected information on these miscreants. They wil be talking. I have no doubt that the DOJ will be contacting everyone and all of this crap will be ending in a way not so favorable for these filthy characters, if not in possible indictments.
So Ray can stand up there with his head cocked to the side and that bullshit serious face on talking about the next diversion tactic he is working on, the mayor can continue to hide, Perry can duck into seclusion like a monk, and Levy can continue to sit next to her men at city council meetings because the song and dance is over when the interrogations and depositions start. Retirements and transfers to other employers don't insulate you from federal subpoenas, depositions, and lawsuits either. Maybe these shitheads should take their own advice, and take the high road, err on the side of caution, and resign in lieu of termination and prosecution? Resign and take the 5th. Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. Confess their sins to a priest. Seek counseling and hope their comrads don't testify against them.
I know one thing. I'm glad I'm not them. I glad I am not friends with them. and I thank God I'm not related to them. In the end, all you have is your reputation and who you are. They have to live with that.
That guy looks like Jerry Sandusky!
Bingo, Eye you found the money which is the glue holdin this house of cards together. Mac-C you just shda kept your mouth shut, but while we thought you were afraid, now we know. I wonder what public records show with your little paw prints on them? Can't wait till it comes out how you profitted from all these little misadvetures by Berry Pie. Way to expose some light on these rats Eye...seems like you and Monahan are the only game in town.
Looks like an onion field was found and that onion field has some rooms and those rooms lead to hidden rooms with some trap doors. Daymn! There is going to be some onion peeling. This is going to get interesting.
Wow, "Mac-C" how's that chief that you stand behine work'n for you now. EVERYBODY knows he only does anything when his feet are held to the fire....a sterhoid doping ring...for 8 months they sat on it and did nothing? A stolen TV set in an out of jurisdiction 20 and a 29 is drafted based off of scratches on it!?! And the complaint and warrant are sealed?! Lmao!!! Deputy chiefs take pics and steal property, ficticious crimes are staged, and endless yes men are promoted!? LMAO!!! You are as stupid as you look. GREAT department we got here "Mac-C". LMAO. And at YOU!!!
Hey Eye...where is the article on the roid raged Burge fiasco? You can't blame Berry and Schultz for everything you guys do out in the field. If I understand the case correctly, he kicked in the door of a fellow officer, removed a TV and proceeded to make use of it in his own home? Sounds like residential burglary to me? Serial numbers scratched off constitutes tampering with evidence doesn't it? No courage, no honor, no moral compass....you can't blame Berry and Schultz for that Another Pussy Department!
Yeah we can because typical Schultz heel dragging and Berry head in the sand I know nothing behavior. NO OWNERSHIP!
A true connaisseur of butthole you are. Do you like licking boots and buttocks? I believe this site acknowledges all kinds of screwups. Your boy Schultz just happens to be king of them. He should also take his own advice, and be an example. He is nothing but a bad example and he has made a mess out of things. You would do well to quit carrying the torch for him. It's pathetic. Really, it is. LOFL!
If APD is doing so great, then why are instructors up at the NMSP Law Enforcement academy talking major shit about APD? I am hearing they are talking major shit about APD's use of force in their Biennium classes without having the facts on cases to the point that it is out of control.
I can't believe how crappy, petulant, and slanderous Albuquerque cops are. APD is continually caterwauling about management by Shultz and Berry but they expect Berry and Shutz to be suck ups. The reverse should be the case. Blaming crappy cop service on management is like a crappy cop blaming a manager for not firing him or blaming a manager for hiring him in the first place. APD has a bad case of worms and it ain't top down. It is a union that protects dirty cops and that is why we have DOJ in town.
Decertify the union and fire cops by the boatload is what this John Q says.
Hey how bout you lazy jerk offs get off your ass and write some tickets. Departments I am acquainted with shift to "revenue producing" when the budget hits the wall. Agressive and reckless Abq motorists could use the discipline and kowabungs that hands on strategy persuades would be criminals that there is actually law enforcement in town instead of dirty gravy train cops.
Case in point Levi Chavez.
Oh 0205...case in point Levi Chavez...u mean the guy Schultz refused to fire until he had no choice!? LOL! And the police union doesn't do shit!!! LMFAO!!! Try again end ringer.
Hey Sherman,
Put a McCorkle in it, will ya!?
Daniel Burge was a good officer. Really surprised about what happened, or at least supposedly happened. Journal has half truths. Any details other than rumors then shut it you muts.
"It is a union that protects dirty cops and that is why we have DOJ in town." NO douche bag, the union does shit and all cops know. This mess falls on your boy's watch. Plain and simple, but read McQweerkle's editorial and the lies and omissions he spews. Oh thts right. You can't read.
Maybe the McCorkle ass kisser can explain Monahan's blog today. Spaceport failure Martinez, and Han failure by Berry. Or were they not failures, but successes to state Republican efforts...?
Ray Boy owns it!!! He had the opportunity to fire these people in the academy, but just wanted numbers, we have emails to prove it. DOJ will have them also!
For fun reading, look at the Santa Fe Reporter (sfreporter.com) and read all the Republican party emails. Make sure you read the Governor's Spanx orders (yes, those are girdles).
At 4:07. Saying the Journal has half truths is being generous. The rag needs to close down.
I'm sure Sherman has nothing to do with why the 27 of the Southwest Companions disappeared....
Hey Eye..how about that shooting of the rear window in Sosa's getaway? How is a vehicle whose rear window is facing you a threat? How is Berry and Schultz relevant to the inept failure of a cop who is taking pop shots at a car who is down the road, within a residential neighborhood? I know you guys will spin it some way to blame it on Berry and Schultz right? Stupid SWAT phuk should be charged with negligent use of a firearm and discharging within a residential for his cowardice. DOJ is in town for shit like the fellas, not because of mismanagement from Schultz and Co. I think it's funny...weren't you all sucking Schultz's balls during the Marty administration? What has happened since then? Oh, I know...you no longer have a Mayor who sucks APD's proverbial dick like Marty did!
Boy oh Boy do the wealthy elitist filth hate to be exposed.
to the 4:07 Burge cheerleader....
According to you, "good cops" get sued in civil court for civil rights violations and personal injury? Who's the mutt now Another Pussy Department punk? A thief is a thief, even if he wears a blue clown costume.
Dirty cops, drunk PSA's at work, lack of leadership. What's next?
Did yall hear about the conniption hissy fit tantrum after the officer shot the "back window" out of the fleeing suspect's car? Anyone hear about the chief and his DC losing their minds and ordering everyone into their short bus for a lambasting? Anyone hear about the chief ordering the officer involved to immediately give a statement against proceedure then when questioned about it by a representing lawyer being told that "I'm re-writing proceedure right now"!!!!???? Anyone hear about something like this?
Why would a chief get on television and say an officer shot at a car as it was driving at them when it was shot at while it was driving away?
It is funny that pre DOJ actions was a chief who did everything he could to burn officers, lie on them and throw them under the bus. Now after DOJ is here it's lets make shit the fuck up to justify shit so that it looks like we ain't phuckin up??? Something's fishy in little Albuquerque!
Lets call it out shall we. The chief makes up shit to fire cops to keep the DOJ out. That backfires in his face when the DOJ realizes the chief and mayor are full of shit. Despite the chief's desperate efforts, the DOJ breaches and makes entry. Now the chief tries to hide shit to fool them into thinking everything is a-ok?!?!? Does he really think the DOJ is stupid?
Interview all independent witness out there on the scene, along with the officers and supervisors who saw that spectacle out there on Shirley. The 5th floor boys lost their minds out there.
Give Shultz a break. For the first time on camera I see him with his lapel camera. at least he is finally trying.
That fraud is like a child that only does what is right when someone is watching, and even then it pains him. You can see the pain in his face over having to do the right thing. It's against his grain. He should be calling the DOJ DADDY! LMFAO!
To the miscreant praising Schultz....go suck on some Republicome. We've hated Schultz from day 1. We also were not fans of Marty. Marty had his way or the highway mentality. BUT he did not lie as this administration does in avoiding shit. If this bullshit were going down around him from DCOPs walking through Mary Han's murder scene to dumbasses like Medina/Lopez beating up other cops, you know as well as everybody else HEADS would have fucken rolled. But not here with Berry Pie/Schultz/Perry/WilHAM. As long as these guys support Republicome causes they do no foul. And that other poster's comment about good ole Sherm and SW Companions touched a raw nerve huh!? Its ok, we all know u types can't get tail w/o paying for it. We've seen your legal grand poo ba with his chicks....we see everything....
December 20 @ 844..Its all true
In ref to 34 Burge, remember we are innocent until proven guilty. APD has a track record of high profile cases being dismissed or plead down. Anyone remember the 6th street yards and the big ol case of mechanics stealing parts? What happened on that. DV's, Joey's case, there are more.
Was SOP violated and why didn't a Sgt do the 27 on Burge instead of a Detective
MmmmMmmmm.....I smell Mushrooom Soup cooking!!!!
The Officer better make sure that Burge gets something and if DA's Office drops it you will be sued. Guarantee
Funny. mention Southwest Companions and you hear crickets.
Who's going to investigate the Southwest Companions aligation?? Sandy? Peck?? hahaha Don't expect an investigation anytime soon. SID is on the Chiefs jock 24/7.....
Hey McCorkle, how does a DOJ investigation of the state's largest police force in the state's largest city do for business? Is this a business friendly environment? You, RJ Berry, Rob Perry, Ray Schultz and their blind supporters (you to Levy troll) will pay for this. Even after your departure from public employment.
I thought Republicans were the "protectors" or the one's with "honor" or better yet "will clean up corruption".... hahahahahaahahaaha
WTF is a Mccorkle?
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