The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jun 10, 2013

SusanaGate: The Start of the END

While the flames of the forest fires in the Jemez Mountains have been spreading wider and burning hotter, not even they are reaching the heat of controversies involving, yet again, our state's leaders. Over the last few days we've seen Governor Martinez's former campaign manager arrested and charged with internet related crimes and lying to FBI agents. Then federal agents then arrested a contract political fundraiser after they uncovered child pornography on his computers when they were searched in connection with the investigation of the campaign manager.

Then one of the Albuquerque Journal's senior reporters, Mike Gallagher, unbelievably reports that the images seized by federal agents involved six-year old children having sex with an adult. This type of reporting give the impression to the public it's okay. IT IS NOT OKAY! (HEY DUMBASS REPORTER AND EDITOR, SIX-YEAR OLDS DON'T HAVE SEX WITH ADULTS, THEY ARE RAPED BY ADULTS!)

Then of course another contract fundraiser and daughter of a prominent Republican party member came forward and confirmed she was interviewed by FBI agents. She advised that the interview had nothing to do with emails but entirely focused on the Albuquerque Downs and thus finally confirmed there's an active investigation involving the ABQ Downs racino contract that Governor Martinez fast-tracked to her campaign friends, and husband's hunting buddies, from New Orleans.

Republican pet snake political strategist Jay McCleskey came to Martinez's rescue in an effort to redirect any criticism on her. In the unusual move of a sitting governor claiming to be a victim, McCleskey ghostwrote for Martinez and unleashed a personal attack on the lawyers hired to represent the people accused of crimes. As a side bar, like them or not, criminal defense lawyers are a necessary part of the justice system, and since when don't Republicans use them? Last time we checked, Martinez's personal lawyer, Paul Kennedy, was a criminal defense lawyer himself. But of course, McCleskey underestimated his opponents. By attacking them with a smear campaign maligning their professional efforts it was only a matter of time before Democratic State Party chairman Sam Bregman weighed in:

"..perhaps your motive is to change the conversation from the miserable, sorry job that you have done as Governor when it comes to creating jobs in this state and educating our children."

Bregman continued to deride Martinez for essentially prosecutorial misconduct. Of course over at the Downs, Darren White's constant self absorbed tweets have all but come to a standstill after political blogger Joe Monahan punked him out for tweeting while at work. Given that the gap toothed failed sheriff never managed a construction project in his life, it's not surprising to us that contractors who work over at the Downs tell us that Darren's main function is to wander around the job site and ask annoying questions about hammers and nails.

But what does all this mean?

Obviously with the Albuquerque mayoral election in full swing a common denominator is political strategist Jay McCleskey. He advises Martinez and he advises Berry and is buddies with White. But with all this pushback going on upon Martinez (where she personally posts on her Facebook really?) and what clearly is a federal investigation that is unfolding (and we're not even talking about APD) and expanding we can expect Berry to simply hide as McCleskey's time is consumed in dealing with Martinez.

The Eye expects Berry will not be seen in public, will not engage Pete Dinelli or Paul Heh in any capacity, will make few if any press statements, and will be constantly unavailable as he hides behind his pet dog Rob Perry or his pet mule and other common denominator....Paul Kennedy. But from the looks of a case forwarded to us from one of our legal Eyes, it seems Kennedy is going to be busy with his lawyer Mickey Barnett as it seems his deceased partner's family is suing him over his tampering with her estate. Look up In Re Han under Judge Barela-Shephard at

So with all this going on, and of course don't think for minute we've forgotten about you Schultz and Levy, it seems Berry is going to have a very hot summer. And all we can say is more is coming, and we have some of our own tasty surprises for these pets snakes, dogs, and mules.


Anonymous said...

It is and then "case lookup"

Anonymous said...

Det of the month WTF if I drove my city car drunk I'd be in jail or at least fired. Nope, he gets Det of the month and what the hell is a Det doing supervising other 34s and writing the procedures of the RTCC

Anonymous said...

who the hell is that a pic of? a remnant for mordor?

Anonymous said...

Oh Suzanna, don't you cry for me!
Ray's going to Arizona with Darren on his knee....

Anonymous said...

Nick you are a joke and so is your partners Flip and TJ!

Anonymous said...

Nick Sanders for defective of the year! Funny, about two years ago he was lookin at getting terminated for a lil DWI incident while running errands for the DEA. Then there was a little bit of untruthfulness. Amazing how a little wear and tear on the knees will do the career good as long as you don't mind what's on your face.


Let's IPRA that nominating letter and just see how many great burrito runs Sanders has done....

Anonymous said...

If Nick actually gets that award, we should nominate Tasia next for doing such a wonderful job walking that child predator down the stairs of the main without tripping on her high heels!

Anonymous said...

APD is following suit with todays childhood psychology....

Everyone gets a prize.

Especially the dysfunctional. Reward the weak and incompetent. Ignore the issues and pass the problems along to the next generation.

Anonymous said...

June 11, 2013 at 7:31:00 AM MDT


Stealth said...

Now you can follow The Eye On Albuquerque on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

please remove the pic of this strange creature! its giving me nightmares!

Anonymous said...

All he does is lie. A while ago sanders and his team searched a property for a business and lied in his affidavit to the judge he had no warrant for the personal residence but thats what he tore up the personal residence. If we run a stop sign we get a ticket. Sanders misuses and abuses citizens with his badge. Lies to the media the judges and probably his Sargent.