The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jan 21, 2011

Councilor Sanchez Viewed by some as a Good Samaritan

Last night at the APOA (Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association) meeting, the Honorable Councilor Ken Sanchez attended. Sanchez’ attendance was in response to an open invitation from the APOA.

Sanchez addressed the audience and said the take home car program was funded until July of 2011 and that he did not understand why Public Safety Director, Darren White, was in a huge rush to confiscate the cars from APD officers. Sanchez went on to tell the audience that the City Council did not take any money from APD but actually gave APD additional funding. Sanchez also said the City has seen an increase in crime since the cars were taken. Sanchez said the City Council was supportive of the cars and alluded that Darren White did not tell the truth.

Sanchez inferred that the City Council is in favor of returning the cars to the officers and placing the restriction on future officers. This would allow future officers to plan accordingly with their career as well as where they choose to live. Sanchez also said the eleven mile radius from the Big I is not adequate and perhaps it should be modified to a fifteen mile radius.

Councilor Sanchez seems to know and understand what the City needs. Perhaps Mayor Berry needs to consult with the City’s Councilors and get direction instead of chasing his tail in a circle behind White. Otherwise, the citizens could be looking at another, “Berry Bad Mistake.”


Anonymous said...

Sanchez is working the APOA like a bunch of fools. He wants to run for mayor, and he figures if he buddies up to the APOA, they will help him get elected.

If the APOA walks down this path, they better be ready if he doesn't get elected.

Oh and by the way, the next election is still about 3 years off. The APOA is better served playing ball with the current mayor. But I would never expect the APOA, or its members, to do this. It is easier to whine and cry and act like children.

Professional pay for professional police. When will we start acting like professionals?

Anonymous said...

Suprise...Darren White lied? Seems like a common practice for him. If the council gave APD extra funding, then I'd like to know what the Mayor is doing with it, because it sure as hell isn't going to the officers. Paycut, no raise, no cars for some, increased insurance....someones pockets are getting fat but it isn't the officers. Mayor Berry, you suck and so do your croanies.

Anonymous said...

Wow, good post.
As far as his eluding to the fact that Darren doesn't tell the truth is an understatement. He will lie to your face as many of his former friends will attest to.
Berry wants him gone, but the Cheiftans in the Republican party have told RJ, No.
So again who is running the city?
Campbell certainly doesn't have the nads either

Anonymous said...

Something to think about......

If a person doesn't know how to manage or is not smart enough to look at a situation and figure it out they have someone else study it... This administration ( Berry and White) have already paid for two studies with our tax money.... how many more are around the corner?

Anonymous said...

Where's the media and why isn't Sanchez raising holy hell at the council mtgs?! Real brave to say something in front of a room full of cops who agree with you. Man up and take it public councilor!!

Anonymous said...

Ask Dan Houston about trusting Darren White
Or Gary Johnson
Or Brad Ahrensfield
Or Paul Heh
Or Mrs White #1
Or Mrs White #2
Or Peaches
People are figuring you out you fat, f#!%ing phony

Paul J Heh said...

This is Paul J. Heh. As a A.P.O.A member I invite Darren White to appear at the next A.P.O.A. meeting to express his views ,and to answer hard questions from the membership.I also invite Brad Ahrenfield to appear so that MR White can answer questions presented to him from Brad. The truth will come out sooner or later it always does. I am sure the A.P.O.A will hold a special meeting to make this happen. I invite the media to the meeting so nothing is hidden behind closed doors. Iknow you read this blog MR. WHITE. I know the media reads this blog, so lets get this done. I will be at the meeting. I have many questions, and I will not accept spin answers.

VIKING said...

Maybe some day Darren will be a real boy, but he has to learn to tell the truth..... ummmm nevermind, I guess he will aways be nothing more than a puppet.

Anonymous said...

Trusting Darren? Yes, people have figured him out. Ray would be wise to make the first move, otherwise be eaten by the snake.
Let's see; there was the US Army (Airborne) supposedly; lasted 1 year there.(gold bricking injury) Had NO CODE. Then Houston PD. Didn't last there very long. NO CODE.
Then APD, re-injured fake injury; more 'gold bricking'.
Past sergeant's exam by cheating
(well known fact) Again NO CODE.
Other than doing "Just SAY NO to drugs" sing along's, what real police work did Darren do? Anyone? Help us out here.
Is this guy a perfect example of the 'Peter Principal' or what?
Oh almost forgot; you need to add Allen Weh to the list above including half of the Republican Party; you know, the one' who have got it figured out.

Anonymous said...

Why should Sanchez man up? When the members of the APOA didn't even SHOW UP at the last city council meeting.

Anonymous said...

I'm yawning........ I'm yawning ..........


Anonymous said...

Darren has reached the pinnacle of his career. Who in their right mind would advance him any higher. The voters weren't fooled when they sent him packing in his quest for Congress.
The last fool was RJ Berry. But then again, no genius there.

Anonymous said...

Takes White's Tahoe. He makes $135,000 and can afford his own car easier than someone taking home $35,000 can.

Anonymous said...

Come and listen to a story about a man named White
A poor mountaineer, never was so bright,
Then one day he was trollin for some hide,
And up through the ground came a bubble gum bride.
Peaches that is, Darren's delight, white gold, Texas tea.
Well the first thing you know ol' White's got his mare,
Kinfolk said White move away from there
Said New York is the place you ought to go
So they loaded up the truck and moved to where it's slow
Suffern, that is.
Up state New York, home town,pork chops, Swimmin holes, has been's, retired con artists.
The Albuquerque Hillbillies!

Well now its time to say good-bye to White and all his kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin in.
You're all invited back again to this locality
To have a heapin helpin of their hospitality
Hillbilly that is. Set a spell. Take your shoes off. Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Anonymous said...

Hillbillies ? Perfect
'Deliverance' also comes to mind.
Too funny!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! "up through the ground came a bubble gum bride"? LMFAO!!!!

Anonymous said...

thats the best frickin post Ive seen in a long time!

Anonymous said...

Open the meeting up to the entire public sgt heh

Anonymous said...

Albuquerque Hillbillies! Perfect.
Let's see... Can anyone say,
Elly Mae Clampet? Or Darren(Jed) Clampet?

Anonymous said...

Hey Darren ! Gonna 'man -Up' (so to speak) and accept Paul Heh's challenge?
Show up at APOA meeting.

Anonymous said...

Hey I heard there were about 12 concerned officers who showed up at the council meeting to express outrage about the cars program. The meeting was was advertised on facebook, email, APOA website, word of mouth, & the media oh & one months notice, and only 5(FIVE) effected officers showed up. 180 officers effected by the policy and 5 show up in disgust? And the only one who spoke up was a $40 an hour lieutenant who isnt even effected. REALLY? yawn. No one cares. Move on, next topic, how bout them Steelers?

Anonymous said...

Why should Darren MAN UP, when 1100 plus members of the APOA didn't MAN UP at the last city council meeting?

The APOA is sinking, and fast.

Anonymous said...

True. Same thing happened in Germany in the 1930s. No body spoke up and look how that turned out.
The German people were held responsible for the atrocities of one or several assholes, that THEY ALLOWED to devastate them for 40 years to follow. If the rank and file don't stand up and unite behind Paul Heh, you are all doomed to the same misfortune. Your choice. Do something about Darren White or let him get away with more of the same shit.
A vote of 'NO CONFIDENCE" against Darren White is your first step.
After all, it is the THIRD time such a vote has been leveled against him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What's really behind Darren turning on his ex-fellow officers?
People want to know.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a gamblin' man, but I'd like to open up a little betting pool on whether or not White shows up to the meeting. I got $1000 he doesn't show...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Comparing the APOA to Nazi Germany is deplorable.

Are YOU stupid? You seemed to have missed the point. No body is comparing Nazis to APOA. It's just the opposite.
Re-read the post above again. It's this administration and White & company that the comparison was made; not APOA.
You get a D in reading comprehension.

Anonymous said...

What's really going on with the whining from the APOA, and the lack of officers standing up for themselves? People want to know.

Here is another bet. I will bet that there will be about 100 APOA members showing up at the next meeting. Less than 10% of the membership.

Anonymous said...

Ken Sanchez for Mayor!!!

Anonymous said...

Are the people running the APOA truly doing anything about all these issues??? Or is it all smoke and mirrors while they plan their next vacation...rrrrr...I mean conference trip on the member's dime???

Anonymous said...

Baroba for mayor he is untouchable.

Anonymous said...

NM-01: Darren White's (More Than) White Lies
Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White was for drug decriminalization before he was against it. Or something. And it appears that he lies about the reason he resigned his post as Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Public Safety in 1999. Not good for a candidate running on his "integrity."
For awhile now Darren White, the GOP's presumed candidate for Congress in NM-01, has been explaining his resignation as Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Public Safety in the Gary Johnson administration as a moral stand against Johnson.
The trouble with White's explanation is two-fold. For one thing, he's quoted in the The November Coalition's publication Razor Wire in 1999 essentially agreeing with Johnson's stance:
Kinda undermines White's excuse for resigning as Secretary of Public Safety, doesn't it? However, it's not surprising that White would try to cover up the real reason he gave up his post -- an overwhelming vote of 'no confidence" in White by members of the New Mexico Police Association. It’s reported that "89 percent of ballots cast by members of [the] state police association express lack of faith in public safety secretary's leadership." The NMPA "described White as inexperienced, immature, incompetent and a glory hound." There was a 61% turnout for the vote.
The paper also quoted "A good leader needs to gain the people's trust... you talk to our members, and they don't trust him because he says one thing and does another."
So much for "integrity" on the part of Darren White.
APOA and officers of APD need to do the same in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Jan 27th, @ 11:00... Nice post! too bad the entire post was cut and pasted from a democratic blog in 2008. Just so happens that this blogger was supporting the mud slinging to discredit the republican candidate for Congress in 2008. So Please if you have an opinion make it your own. And if you are going to steal someones work and make it your own, at least cite your work and give the ORIGINAL author a little credit!

Anonymous said...

Police Union To Vote No Confidence In Darren White
White: 'I Know They Probably Hate Me'

YA THINK?? Pill popper!

Anonymous said...

barboa already is the mayor of trollville! he couldn't possibly take on more.

Anonymous said...

I thought barboa was chief public safety officer of trollville. Oh I forgot he is so importmant he is both and sheriff also.