The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jan 20, 2011

Councilors Sanchez and O’Malley Seek to Correct “A Berry Bad Mistake”

Councilors Ken Sanchez and Debbie O’Malley are considering introducing legislation to overturn the Mayor’s law, which prohibits police officers who live “Magically” eleven miles from the Big-I. Several people who attended one of the Council meetings were seen wearing T-shirts that said, “A Berry Bad Mistake.”

According to the Police Union,Public Safety Director, Darren White is the Mayor’s “Hatch Man” and spearheaded the new take home car policy. White has been under fire for several decisions that the Union claims were bad ones. White was also scrutinized for him and his wife’s alleged involvement with the Brad Ahrensfield’s Federal case. Ahrensfield was facing federal criminal charges for obstruction of justice. Ahrensfield, who was a police officer at the time, is accused of tipping off his friend who was also the target of a criminal investigation. White and his wife also appear to have direct ties to this investigation.

Both Sanchez and O’Malley made an unsuccessful bid for Mayor against Berry. Positive moves in the right direction, such as backing “Albuquerque’s Finest” could easily open the door for either to become Mayor and lead the City. Both seem to have good common sense. It’s probably a bad idea to attack our front-line public safety personnel; Thus, making “A Berry Bad Mistake!”

If you're looking at the wall Mayor, “A Berry Bad Mistake” could spell the end of a possible second bid for Mayor. The disdain with Mayor Berry is becoming bipartisan. Wake up Mayor Berry; the writing is becoming permanent on the wall.


Anonymous said...

Confucius say "Berry, Berry bad mistake indeed"

Anonymous said...

bring on the investigation of White and how he cut ahrensfelds throat to cover his political ass. Why did White misrepresent the facts on the stand and manipulate the trial??? How can he with a straight face take cars away from cops and keep porkchop in a car???

Anonymous said...

Darren sure was in a hurry last night to leave even with his entourage he didnt want to stay and visit wonder if it had to do anything with Brad being at make a hasty retreat also lmao...that was funny WHAT A PUNK you are Darren im thinking its time to come clean, but thats just one gals opinion....

Anonymous said...

Those of us at the S.O. tried to tell you how shady Darren was..... no one was willing to listen, but I guess it's just one of those things you have to find out for yourself..... Sorry you all had to find out this way,,,

Anonymous said...

If Sanchez and O'Malley are the ones we're counting on to save the day then we're really screwed.

Anonymous said...

Solano got booked white should be next.

Anonymous said...

Taking home a police car is voluntary. Check out Chattanooga TN and see how their officers delt with this same issue. The majority of the officers came together and chose to park their cars.

Anonymous said...

Dareen has been making it habit to run away lately when he sees someone who posses a threat. He had friends. He now has none. What freaking entourage?
Do not tell me he has body guards still?
This is such bullshit.
How about we hold a boxing match with Darren and Brad. Na, that's too easy. How about Darren vs. his $59,000 secretary; he's used to slapping around women.

Anonymous said...

A Berry Bad Mistake so true.

Anonymous said...

PORKCHOP? Good one. Must be referring to TJ.
Peaches, Cinnamon, Trixie, now Porkchop. Christ, where's Buckwheat & Spanky in all of this?
What a laughing stock this guy is.

Anonymous said...

Hey DA, can you spell PERJURY?

Anonymous said...

"Be afraid, be very afraid". Mr. tough guy is coming with his entourage.
Channel 7 rumor, telling people that Darren's leaving to go work for the Gov.
Got news, she don't want him.
"Be afraid, be very afraid"

Anonymous said...

The tshirts and lack of officers showing up at the council meeting were an embarrassment to the APOA. The tshirts are nothing better than grade school kids making fun. I thought we were professionals? Then we should act like professionals. Lt Olstad did a very professional job in front of the council. Too bad the 1100 cops with APD didn't show up to show him some support.

Either get invovled and act like a professional, or shut up and eat the poop sandwich we are being served.

Anonymous said...

White Ain't Right and Berry Bad Mistake need to take a hike!

Anonymous said...

Nick Bachus and Pete Dinelli held the same positions. Neither of them ever had they're own PIO, personal $59k secretary or a security (body guard) detail where ever they went.
They have to go to Imbibe bar till 2am, to the Gym to watch over he and Peaches, now at City Council chambers. What's wrong with this picture? Bottom line is that Darren "be afraid, be very afraid".
He's a paranoid schizophrenic, ill tempered moron with an insecurity complex. Is this who the City should have as a Director of Public Safety? Is he another J. Edgar Hoover? We all know how that story ended.
Thank God he wasn't elected to Congress.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you guess can mention about getting together at the council meeting for the public to get involved and people can help support the police department

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain why darren white needs officer Delgreco to guard him? Is it because Darren, Shawn Bryan, and Delgreco all played softball together & traveled together but now Shawn and Darren are sore with eachother? hmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

3 16 commenter you should check your facts Shawn never played softball with them I was on the team so not sure why you are posting things like that as for Darren having a babysitter well do the math he is a CHUMP and unfortunatly like your posting is full of shit.....:)this post becomes useless when bs is being put out there like your post and thats how Darren always gets away with his crap because people like you throw so much dumbshit out there you cant see the facts..Obviously Darren is running scared and rightfully so since it seems the walls are closing in on him and the facts of Brad's case are coming out. Seems that if we stay to the facts in the comments we can maybe put White and his corruption away but we need to stay on point ps hes a HACK in softball as well as CPS

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here's the deal. If you all don't support EACH OTHER, regardless of whether or not you lost your take home car, then nothing is going to change. You ALL have to show up to these meetings whether the changes affect you or not. 100 upset cops showing up at a meeting is a mere whisper compared the ROAR that 1100 cops would make. But the fact is, most of you are spinelss, and don't have the balls to stand up for yourselves, much less your fellow cops. Paul Heh has the balls to do it...why don't any of you?

All of you had better raise your voices and be heard, because I can guarantee that ALL take home cars will be pulled before the end of the year, then you'll ALL be screwed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


Question: Are they Cops?
Answer: No.
You figure it out

Anonymous said...

Not everyone will be screwed. I actually have my own personal car to drive if they take my takehome car. The only ones who get screwed are the idiots who depend soley on their takehome car. Buy a dang car! Mayor take all the cars away immediately.

Anonymous said...

The problem is the Union has a child ith no life experience creatin a social club rather than a powerful strong Union. Hire a professional negotiating team with lawyers that are not ambulance chasers. Maybe just maybe we will start seeing some positive results. Until then nothing will change and Joey will continue to waist our money!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why does Darren's wife (peaches) need bodyguards?

Anonymous said...

Who are you kidding. Who is going to come forward and spill the beans on Darren? None of you - you are all to chicken s**t. Stand up or shut up - we are tired of hearing about your plight on the news. Do something about it! Ever heard the word SOLIDARITY!