The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Oct 22, 2018


Our Police Academy Eyes told us that there have been some tears shed at the Albuquerque Police Academy, and we find this disturbing. 

Most here will remember back in 2014, when an out of control domestic violence suspect kicked in the head of his wife, causing her to die from massive head injuries in front of her son. 

That suspect, Anthony Abeyta, tried to do the same thing to responding APD Sargent at the time, Ferris Simmons. 

After a very violent struggle with the suspect, where Simmons and her back up officer, Officer Judd were both punched, and Simmons sustained injuries, including a broken finger, that suspect was taken into custody. 

You can read the story below, and see the video for yourself...


Now for the disturbing part...

Over the last few years, some good officers have been subject to some really political scum bag bullshit, and it has spilled over into pretty much every aspect of what is going on.

Before the DOJ came, and after they arrived, there has been what we will call a race to impress on the backs of others, and the “others” here are the field officers out there every day, trying to do their jobs, while coward police brass attempt to build their resumes, and measure their successes using these officers. These officers are caught in the middle, with some people all too willing to step on them to make themselves look like the “solution” to the APD problem. This has caused back stabbing, and back biting of utmost proportions. This has also caused morale problems, along with a lack of trust in the command staff by the rank and file. WE CAN SEE WHY.

Recently, the IA Commander Garcia Internal Affairs government document falsification fiasco was not only a crime, but it obviously affected an officer or two. APD has a long history of framing or scapegoating officers, while using APD Internal Affairs to do it. The current commander, Mike Miller was one of them, but he was on the end of IA that attempted to stave off the entrance of the DOJ, through the use of many of Ray Schultz’s schemes. We’ll call it conspiracy to violate civil rights. You can read about most of it here on our pages. This guy will claim to know nothing about all of the treacherous acts perpetrated on employees knowing he was responsible for briefing him weekly at his little meetings called “coffee with the chief.” These clowns think we are all stupid and we do not have our sources that saw the dirt being done week after week, year after year to people by these cowards.

Many other issues arise when one tries too hard, and they all result in not much good when it comes to APD.

We will move on to the main event now.

A couple weeks ago, an outside trainer was brought in for an APD training event concerning force at the police academy. This trainer is apparently very renowned, and well known in police use of force
training circles nationally. During this training, the above event, concerning the above officers came
up, as do many previous cases, concerning police use of force nationwide. These types of things are
used as training aids and tools.

We were told by our Eyes that during this discussion a twist was put on the above incident, where it was hypothetically proposed that had the first officer been alone, and was beaten so bad, and brutally that she was going to possibly go unconscious... would use of deadly force be justified. Our Eyes told us that the recently appointed commander of the academy replied that it absolutely would not be.

The trainer, upon hearing this, offered up responses from officers in the class. Upon hearing this, one officer unloaded on the new commander. This officer promptly advised the academy commander that she was wrong, and it wound indeed be justifiable for an officer to use deadly force in that instance, if they feared that they were going to black out, because the violent criminal could then disarm them, take their firearm and kill them and anyone in the vicinity. After all, serious bodily injury or death is the risk here.

We were told that the officer furthermore reiterated that that type of training is going to get an officer killed.

Kudos to that officer for standing their ground, and we could not agree more. This is the reason why officers are not being proactive. It concurs with the crap that came out of this political appointee’s mouth when she said she wanted officers to focus less on chasing bad guys around while violent crime is out of control as seen in her news interview when she was appointed.

Sorry Mrs. Byrd, but officers need to be hunting the bad guys, and they need a department that stands behind them, rather than one that falsifies documents, and dumbs them down in order to use them for their own resume padding. Use of force needs to be taught when to be properly applied.

Well.... Our Eyes told us that Mrs. Byrd’s response was to start crying at the podium, then hastily make her way to the ladies room to finish that cry.

Below are documents showing this commanders certs. We would like to know how you get all of those certifications in one day. We would also like to know how someone can be a police officer decades ago, and just be made one again here in New Mexico at the stroke of a pen.

Peruse the below documents for yourself. There should be an investigation into all of this, along with all of the certifications that were given out by former NMLEAB Director Jack Jones.

We were told that many certs were just rubber stamped, and after the forgery fiasco concerning master use of force instructors and APD, we have been saying this is the case.

You can read about that below...



The federal monitor just blamed a small group of middle management for the lingering, anti-progress culture still plaguing APD in regards to the reform process, while we all know it is the handful at the top too. Mr. Ginger also gave kudos to the academy director, Mrs. Byrd for writing the first design piece that complies with the DOJ.

We have one question. Do these design pieces that comply put our officers in risk of being killed?

We have already lost officer office Daniel Webster in the middle of all of this. The type of training above would be the order of the day with people like Mrs. Byrd, if we didn’t have a few courageous officers out there, who will still stand up for what is right.

Below are some documents. Review them, and ask yourself how these appointments happen. Knowing the rules of a lateral hire, and the timelines we want to know how this happens, unless you know someone at high levels on the inside?

For the sake of our new officers, and the safety of the public, we want to know how this happens.

How do you have a cert for the class of “Combat Thinking For Law Enforcement” and be a master instructor, yet state an officer could not use deadly force to protect their life? OR.... is someone just saying something they think someone else wants to hear!?! Like the DOJ. Something is not right here and we are hearing many are not happy. WE SAID WE ARE FINISHED WITH THE PRETENTIOUSNESS ON THE BACKS OF GOOD PEOPLE! Someone must not have gotten that memo. We will discuss that very soon concerning the officer involved shootings and problems in Rio Rancho PD, that many are nervous about spilling over onto APD, because of lack of action on three problem children in that department, where no action was taken, and discipline issues continued. These involve officer involved force cases under the command of APD Chief Geier at the time.

We would like to know how someone separated from law enforcement comes in as a lateral, and gets all of these certifications in this time frame. How does one come in as an administrator, then get appointed to command level positions, ESSENTIALLY with only a few years experience on the street?

To the officers trying hard out there, keep the faith. We are working hard to make sure the last decade does not repeat itself, you are safe at work, thinks change and morale gets better.

Thank you for all you do.

Stay safe,

The Eye

P.S. As you can see above just how easy it is to get all of your certs at once when you are really close with the NMLEAB Director.

We here at the Eye know how hard some real officers have it out there getting hard street experience under their belt while trying hard to keep their noses clean as they fight crime the best they can and it angers us when someone is just put in place because of connections where they lack the years of street experience. This is even more enraging when these non-cops with bouffant hairdos are put in a place where they condemn tactics they have never had to employ.

We also have questions about why Mrs. Byrd left her position with the Sheriff’s Office with only four years on and was it because she was going to be let go?

As the election comes closer, remember all of the people steamrolled, or thrown under the bus in one way or another for political cronyism, and vote accordingly to eradicate this culture. We all know what took place at the NMLEAB over the last deacade, and it was reprehensible. Jones eluded an investigation into the accusations of master certifications being handed out like water because politics on both sides knew the calamity exposing this would cause. It was swept under the rug. Remember all of this when you vote, because our Eyes are telling us that if Pearce is elected governor Jack Jones may be appointed to head of the NM Department of Public Safety. Do not let this happen.

A federal audit of all of the training certifications given out over the last ten years needs to be conducted because we believe something stinks here.

The mad rush to hire officers is a mistake and will have years of implications. Mark our words. It’s not the quantity, but the quality, and how it is done. Big mistakes are being made that are going to cost in the long run.

Oct 18, 2018

Open response letter to CABQ... Our stance.

Below is a the final draft of a response we have written to reply to CABQ concerning the disappointment we are hearing from many. We do not believe this administration takes this into consideration, but we would like our readers to know that we are not accepting the dog and pony show going on. Until there is action taken, below will be out stance. We are tired of seeing the filth rise, causing a ripple effect in our community, that continues to endanger everyone and reward the wrong.

To whom it may concern,

Please remove us from your mailing list. The change we envisioned was ignored. The same people we advised candidate Keller were corrupt, were promoted and retained. You may confer with him to verify this. There is extensive bad history in the backgrounds of certain individuals retained, and promoted that we spoke out against. We advised against certain PIO individuals, along with their behavior involving the past administration, but our advice was ignored in favor of convenience. 

It has come to our attention that timesheet fraud is going on, and that too will be explained away, or ignored by this administration. We are disappointed that Keller decided to hold the hands of those who were biting his back, and sabotaging him during his election time, as we supported him. 

We are disgusted with this administration’s handling of the Jenifer Garcia case, and the way the city attempted to hide the investigation, and still tries to hide the interviews. 

Many individuals had their lives ruined over the years by the behavior that is still going on. We will no longer support an administration that does not promote complete and unrestrained transparency.

As we see it, this administration is continuing in the same direction as the last. 

Election campaign deals resulted in the promotion of an individual who was deemed to have caused the death of a mental patient, through the use of excessive force, after tasering that individual ten times within 2 minutes. The federal circuit court called it excessive, and a cause of the man’s death. This individual was promoted, despite bragging about it being a deal that was made. That is a fact.

Currently, there are several other cases of retaliation against 
whistleblowers going on. The culture has not changed, if you speak out about corruption within APD, IA will still be tasked with discrediting you, through trumped up investigations, that are obvious retaliation, engineered to ruin your life, in order to protect the guilty, who have a bigger connection.

Nothing has been done with the Taser Investigation into Ray Schultz, and Keller has been silent on it. This is also unacceptable. Sometimes you have to make the controversial high profile choices to do the right thing, and this administration is failing in that. Fear of doing the right thing is unacceptable. Picking the easy and popular route, while avoiding the unpopular and dirty issues that need to be addressed is poor leadership. Anyone can take credit for the good times. It is what caused the bad times that left unaddressed, will cause more bad times. This administration fails in their vision of that.

We have PIOs hanging out at the residences of reporters in city vehicles, at odd hours, and making $200,000 a year, while officers are running from call to call on the streets, risking their lives to plug the manpower deficiency holes, and violent crime is out of control. 

This is all going on while this administration jumps at any little drop in crime stat as a success. We feel that the leadership has no idea what community policing really is, and is endangering our officers with deficient leadership, training and intimidation, that suppresses police officer, discretion and ability to safely do their jobs. Essentially, politics is putting the lives of officers, and the public in danger.

Instead of appreciation for change or varying visions, we are seeing contemptuous behavior from appointed hypocrites, who want it their way. These political appointees were placed in positions, not out of qualification, but for image reasons, and their ability to be controlled. Their behavior is not much better than the previous administration either. 

Keller condemned previous Mayor Berry’s assignment of an alphabet acronym task force to every issue that pops up, but continues in that very same direction. 

Many, who could have steered this administration in a proper direction were ignored in favor of people who were recommended politically, by people who are politically established and connected, and would be beneficial politically for mayor Keller in the future. This is nothing but the same back door patron system of government responsible for the trash going on statewide. 

Netflix, more businesses, investors, and money will not fix the problem Albuquerque has. We have a corruption issue. That issue stems from poor leadership, and it involves the police department, court system, and politicians at all levels. The corruption is so embedded, that it takes aggressive investigation, and prosecution. This administration still covers for the corrupt, and they have no stomach for doing what needs to be done. Even the guilty have no shame to the point that after being caught, they think they are still fit for office. This is the epitome of being above the law. 

As more businesses pour their money and resources into the city, nothing will change, as no action is being taken on the root causes of the issues. All because the causes are connected to people politically behind the scenes, who are deemed more important than the city as a whole. Officers can not do their jobs, due to no confidence in a corrupted chain of command, who are nothing but pretentious liars. 

This reply was written as a quick response, and lacks many more, and intense reasons that may not have come to mind for our reasoning  behind this decision, but for all intents and purposes, we expect that the message has been relayed. 

Should we hear back, or continue to receive correspondence, I am sure we can come up with the 20 to 50 individuals, some of them ranking, who should be terminated for corruption, along with detailed descriptions of the actions that warrant it. We will start with a few who were promoted as political favors by Mayor Keller, and others who were protected for the 2nd and third times for having sex in city buildings while others were terminated for less. 

You may resume contact after Keller has a discussion with Hector Balderas about prosecuting Ray Schultz for his actions, which lead to the situation Albuquerque is in. A few others need to be asked to resign. After that is completed, and a few atrocities are made right, maybe things will change. He knows exactly who, and what we are talking about. We are still waiting for the “owning” and “admitting” part of Keller’s promise. He has forgotten all of this, because of some issues being unpopular, and a city attorney’s office who is vindictive, and supportive of past ways.

The cases that were made right were done quietly and off the grid. Although we are appreciative of this, it does not send a message that something was “owned,” especially when the same conduct is ongoing.

Nobody said this was going to be easy, but choosing the easy way, instead of the right way is malfeasant, lacking in courage, and a cop out. We get it. Nobody wants to be negative, or the bad guy, but sometimes you have to roll your sleeves up, and scrape your knuckles, in order to make people do the right thing, and make sure they do not do the wrong thing anymore. 

We are contacted daily about the poor behavior and leadership at APD. We have received emails containing some very disturbing concerns that are being ignored. We are seeing comments about the poor morale, and disparity in treatment within the ranks of APD, and we are still hearing about the out of control corruption. 

Frankly, we are tired of advising so many people to remain patient, while the same things are transpiring that were going on when RJ Berry was the mayor. We are being told daily that it is actually worse within APD.

Claiming success with the natural ebb and flow of crime rates, while merchants and citizens are victimized daily is embarrassing. What’s more embarrassing is telling victims that it is hard to protect them, or prosecute crimes against them without video proof as they worry daily about having their cars burglarized and windows smashed. 

As we sit here, and watch Chief Geier play hockey, APD hire officers who are just in it for the money, a mayor who needs an assistant, and a former federal overseer (whom we actually like) responsible for going after the corrupt, now working for that same agency, we can only say that this only happens in Albuquerque and it is not “Albuquerque One” as you have been marketing. It is individual political interests that come first, and the positivity only exists when certain individuals are getting their way. This is sad. 

Thank You, and good luck on all future endeavors,

The Eye

Sep 25, 2018

MORE BREAKING NEWS. Monica Youngblood found guilty of DUI TODAY.

Seems to not be too much of a good day today for a few people. Today, Monica Youngblood was found guilty of her Driving While Intoxicated charges. It must suck to pay Paul Kennedy all of that money for nothing. I think we are seeing the worm turning folks.

Eye on Albuquerque Youngblood article


We here at the Eye have witnessed doublespeak, lies, and fraud like no other over the years, and we know a few things about the facts, before the facts usually get out. As a matter of fact, we usually know the lie the liars are going to tell, before they make the lie up to tell it. And let us tell you... all this city administration has done was lie about so many things over the last decade.

Below is the video of the city attorney himself, stating that the city’s refusal to release the Garcia investigation that was conducted by Caswell investigations was all just a big misunderstanding. You can clearly hear him state that he will be releasing this case information, and this came after weeks of ducking, dodging and bullshitting.

Fast forward to this week, and we now have the city responding to the IPRA request for the same info by the guys over at the Abq. Report. The city flat out says no, they will not release the info. If you read the city’s argument in the documents listed at the king below courtesy of the Abq. Report, they are claiming attorney client work privilege. Hmmmmmm....

Wait a minute. Didn’t the city attorney himself say it wasn’t?!? Here we go again with the double speak.

Below is the Abq. Report article describing the run a round they are being given by the city in regards to public information they requested.


Below is the city’s legal response to the Abq. Report IPRA lawsuit against them for violating IPRA law and playing their usual games. 

We here at the Eye are hearing the trouble is going to run long and deep on this, when it comes to light, because APD Internal Affairs has been doing this, and worse, for years. Our Eyes are telling us that individuals within IA have been fixing dates, and playing the fraud game to get the ball over the goal line for years, and now one of the classic sham artists from the end days of Schultz is back in the saddle over there. You will remember him from the Blume investigation, where IA conducted two investigations on officers they wanted to railroad, in order to distract the DoJ from Schultz’s crimes on Schultz’s orders, while lying to the media that there was only one investigation, because the officer’s commander exonerated them in the first one. That was just one filthy investigation he oversaw. Then there was the Rice case, the Hindi case, Vigil case, and dozens of others. That lieutenant was Mike Miller. Miller is now commander of APD Internal Affairs. Don’t ask him though. He knows nothing, and will only put it on former disgraced employee Raymond D. Schultz and corrupt former city mob attorney Kathryn (Virginia) Levy, because he too is a dishonorable coward and liar.

As these atrocities keep repeating themselves, the corrupt within the city, both past and present, continue with the culture of retaliating against those who speak out about it, and expose it. They continue to cover for lowlifes who commit crimes, not in the commission of their duties, yet they lie and fabricate claims on the honest, who are doing their jobs with integrity. It defies belief. Yes, these vermin will take a good individual out at the knees. They will trump up, or exaggerate allegations, and ruin a people’s lives to use them as a scapegoat, but will look the other way on their buddies who break the Guinness Book Of World records on being poor human beings and felonious criminals... Perverts too.

This is why the place is so fucked up and twisted. 

Just this past week, we observed a story about a former APD Sargent, who resigned in lieu of termination for timesheet fraud accusations, but quickly landed a job working for the New Mexico tax and revenue department as an investigator, investigating FRAUD!!!!! Yes fraud! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.... just ha ha ha! He has now been indicted on multiple counts and there is word that a few of his pals may have some serious woes coming their way too. This is what happens when you promote a culture of retaliation and sabotage for speaking out.

You can read the story at the below link.

You may ask yourself, just how does this happen?

Well folks, this happens as a result of the exact behavior we are talking about. The behavior of duplicity. Way back, we did stories on all of this. You can access those stories by clicking on the links in blue at the bottom of the post.

We have been telling you all that those running the place tell you one thing, while they do another. Schultz and company were the founders of this two faced philosophy, and it is still alive and kicking within APD. It is still going on because a proper law enforcement and prosecutorial element has not made entry and neutralized these vermin.

You see, there is this one little part of that KRQE story that is very puzzling, and disturbing. It is the question of just who are the three clowns who have such “kudos” and high recommendations as high ranking references and bosses from APD? Who were the three dopes who were references on the application of former Sgt. Geha, who is under criminal investigation, and why did they recommend the state hire him? Actually, why did they lie? Could you imaging if one of them, or all of them knew that he was going to be fired? Just how twisted is this place? Hmmmmmm. Let’s play a little game shall we?

Below, is our little poll. It’s not scientific, but you get the point. We’ll call it guess the liars. Now remember. There were three, but you can only pick one. The highest three will be the public’s choices, and we will compare it to who the real liars are when it comes out.

Have fun everyone. This should be a good time for all. Hopefully we will see who the two face is in the very near future. Could you even imaging someone recommending someone for an integrity driven job position, when they are facing termination for theft allegations? We can, because we know how these liars operate.

Remember, we know.


The Eye


We are being told that former APD Sargent Geha was indicted. You will remember us discussing this incident a long time ago. You can read it below...

Good things happen for those who wait....

We will have more on this later as it unfolds but we are hearing there are multiple charges and counts.

Update: spelling correction. Thank you.

Sep 22, 2018



There are no misconceptions here at the Eye about who we like and dislike, and the reasons why. For years we have been kicking in doors on corrupt political shithouses. We enjoy it. 

As many people are exposed, or are connected to others who are pulling shenanigans to fill their pockets with your tax dollars on the backs of society, they like to play the fucking word game. We will have none of this play on words shit anymore. 

We here at the Eye think the word game is for the gutless with something to hide. It is for those who do not have the balls to stand up, and own their actions or relationships with their associates. These people duck and dodge their affiliation with people who would bring negative attention, or stigmatize them, hence taking votes away from them when they want to run for office. They do all of this while they work with people who are part of the problem here in order to get what they want in their little alliances. Essentially, they want to have their cake and eat it too. 

How would you like it if your next Auditor for the state of New Mexico previously cut deals with 
the mayoral candidate for Albuquerque, in order to support that mayor in an election, in exchange
for the mayor promoting one of his major campaigners and buddies to sargeant on the Albuquerque Police Department; a guy always seen right next to him, all of the time? What would you say if that person that was promoted, was found to have been excessive in their use of force concerning a Taser that was used approximately 10 times on a mental patient in a federal circuit court by a judge, and his actions contributed to the death of that person? What would you say if all of this was swept away while others were persecuted in order to keep the Feds from coming 
into the picture? What would you say if this person was a sargeant right now? We will tell you right now. We do not like it, and it happened. 

Here is the meaning of the term “of counsel.”

Of counsel is, in the legal profession of the United States, often the title of an attorney who has a 
relationship with a law firm, or an organization, but is not an associate or a partner. Some firms use titles such as "counsel", "special counsel", and "senior counsel" for the same concept.

The current Democratic candidate for state auditor is an attorney “of counsel” for the Robles Rael & Anaya law firm. His name is Brian Colon. We will tell you why this is important below. Divesting himself of this firm means jack shit as far as we are concerned, when you still work for them and do things for them. We all know how things go around here. 

Remember, Robles gets millions of dollars in state contacts, and the state is refusing IPRA requests showing what for. You can read about this mess below.

Remember how Hector Balderas talked so much about transparency during his election campaign for New Mexico Attorney General? Now Balderas contracts with the law firm who Represented Ray Schultz in order to hide what he is paying them for! And guess who is an “of counsel” attorney for this firm? You got it. The current candidate for NM State Auditor, Brian Colon.  

Colon ran for Mayor the llast time around. it was against the current mayor, and he failed. You can read a lot about it here, by clicking on the links at the bottom of this story. He supported the Santolina project, and if he is “of counsel” for the above law firm. that means they pay him for services. But it is not about that money at all. It is about the INFLUENCE. The type of INFLUENCE that has been destroying our city and state from the inside out. You see, the word game is their way of calling you a fucking idiot to your face, while they pull their slimy bullshit behind your back, all the while having you thinking you have no clue what is going on, while thinking they are all such jolly good fellas. Another facet of this is called the Patron system of government. 

In a patron system of government, you are taken care of, because of who you know, regardless of your qualifications. This leads to all sorts of issues that have been the culture here. All of it this responsible for the problems plaguing the state. Examples are: being covered for, getting contracts or having a blind eye turned to your activities, politically influenced investigations and fraud. None of this is acceptable in the State Auditor’s office, and if you think it won’t happen, just ask Hector Balderas why he hasn’t prosecuted Ray Schultz,  and he won’t answer you. There is your proof right there. 

You see, Colon worked for the above law firm. That law firm represented Raymond D. Schultz in 
the Taser pay to play contract deal where Schultz “greased” the deal in his own words. Yes Schultz, in his emails greased the deal for Taser equipment for millions, between the city and Taser executives.  Colon will use words like divest and “of counsel.” It is all complete horse shit, 
because we all know that Colon is not only friends with Luis Robles of the Robles Rael &  Anaya law firm, but he is friends with the Attorney General Hector Balderas,  who is sitting on his hands purposefully, so as not to cause ripples in this election for anyone! There is no doubt that if an indictment came down for Schultz, Robles would step in... Well... maybe not now. 

Sure, the end game is all of these individuals making tons of money as easily as they can, but the way they do it is through influence and influence in the way of the Auditor General’s office is unacceptable. The slightest whiff of anything like this in that office is unacceptable. 

Because of relationships we know of, along with deals that were cut, and behavior we disagree with, we recommend voting for Wayne Johnson for New Mexico State Auditor. 

Below is an article that we noticed today that triggered this.


We like the Grant County Beat response below and we agree!

Grant county beat opinion link

As our citizens are suffering for what the responsible and unpunished have set in motion, those paid by these miscreants are living it up and laughing in your faces. Enough is enough. 

Wayne Johnson has been wacking some hornet’s nests,  and does not seem to have a problem looking into something regardless of what entitled little snot is connected to it. That is something we can appreciate. 

Of course those under scrutiny will cry foul,  because they believe they are immune from scrutiny because this man is running for office. We say, why cry if you have nothing to hide? 

Today,  there is a trifecta of groupies calling the shots on what will be looked into and what they will turn a blind eye to. So far,  all they have done was attack the low hanging fruit, while ignoring 
the root causes,  and looking the other way on prosecuting public corruption. The Attorney General has offered to take over prosecution on three high profile cases in recent months,  but is silent on Albuquerque public corruption investigations sitting on his desk. 

Watch for the distractions coming soon folks. They are on their way. They just can’t help themselves. 

We would advise that everyone who can vote, get out there and Vote for Wayne Johnson for New Mexico State Auditor. He is the guy who will continue to go after corruption. We think Wayne is a good guy and the man for the job. 

On a side note, we would like to thank Mr. Johnson for taking care of our Fallen Officer’s Memorial in Tijeras. You can see and read about what Johnson did below.


Sep 11, 2018

Let us remember Tuesday September 11th, 2001

As you are going about your life today, remember those who lost theirs. Today, we remember the victims and heroes who lost their lives in the terrorist attack on our own soil. We remember those still suffering, the survivors, and the families of everyone involved, and our nation as a whole. 

We will never forget.

Sep 8, 2018


As everyone knows, we do not suggest blind support of electoral candidates based on party lines. We believe in voting for who would be the best option for our citizens.

We would like to remind everyone to get out there to support and vote for Janice Arnold-Jones for Congress.

Janice has strong military and family value roots. She has always been supportive of our military, and first responders.

Mrs. Arnold-Jones served as a member of Albuquerque City Council, and in the New Mexico House of Representatives.

The New Mexico Foundation for Open Government awarded her the William S. Dixon First Amendment Freedom Award, and Rio Grande Foundation awarded her the Liberty Award.

As you all know OPEN GOVERNMENT is a big issue in our state right now.

We believe Mrs. Arnold-Jones has the integrity, and work ethic needed for the position she is running for, and she cares about her community.

Below is a link to her campaign page. Check it out for yourself.


Thank You,
The Eye

Sep 6, 2018

A little help for this little girl and her dog please.

We saw this on the news today, and think it needs some attention.

The crime rate is out of control in our city, to the point that cowards and scum of the earth think they can operate with impunity in our streets. We do not see an end to this anytime soon. We are tired of children suffering.

Below is a KOB story of a little girl who’s dog was shot in the eye by a local scum bag punk. Please check out the story below.


You may ask why we are posting this. 

Because we want to.

We are not going to politicize it, but it is because this is a ripple effect of what is going on. That is all we will say, and because of it, we feel obligated. Because of this, creeps who need to be neutralized, are tearing up the place without fear of reprisal. 

We would like to suggest our readers, please help in any way. This is what we do. A go fund me account link is below. This dog will lose that eye, and any help to offset these costs for the family would be the right thing to do. To donate, just click on the link below, and please pass this along to anyone else who would like to help.

We should help each other.

Thank You,

The Eye.

P.S. Please refrain from posting anything other than positive thoughts, or info leading to the arrest and prosecution of the scum who did this in the comments section of this one post. 

UPDATE 9/8/18

It looks like the child’s dog is back home with it’s family, and doing well. This is good to see.

Aug 28, 2018


Once upon a time, there was this vile little troll, who hated a a blog he called vile, for exposing the corruption his buddies were involved in, and how he profited from it. This weak, selfish, dishonorable, feeble old, self concerned, sneaky, foul, COWARD TROLL, was directly connected to cases that were connected with former police chief Ray Schultz, concerning incidents that directly destroyed the Albuquerque police department, and lead to the outrageous disparity at the kangaroo court, up at the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy. These liars acted like they were cleaning up the place, when in actuality, they were putting up a smoke screen, to deceive the DOJ into looking elsewhere. Over the years, this person has been allowed free access to market his law enforcement supply store to Albuquerque Police Department recruits, who do not know any better, inside Albuquerque city facilities, like the police Academy. This individual has had LLC relationships with APD employees, as board members, yet he has been given sole source contract after contract with the city. This person makes sure to give his little campaign contributions to everyone he can, to insure his in. Trolls have no loyalty though. He smiled in faces, while he tampered with cases, to railroad police officers up at the NMLEAB. Many on the board have said they felt bullied to come to conclusions siding against officers in LEAB hearings, through pressure put on them by this person. We were told by our Eyes the order of the day at the NMLEAB was to find everyone Schultz filed an LEA90 on guilty and those he filed on when he was trying to keep the DOJ from coming to be revoked by any means. When the DOJ heat came in at its highest intensity, it was no surprise this assistant chairman, and citizen at large skadaddled, just like his filthy friend Schultz, and the dozens of others, who are no longer here.

On the week of the 20th of July, APD recruits were on a working lunch break, in a room where they were all studying for a test that was going to be on the 20th. During this break, recruits were eating their lunches, while studying, in preparation for their exam.

It has been brought to our attention that the above slimy little troll was seen slithering into an APD police academy classroom, and interrupting the studying recruits with one of his used car salesman, cheesy sales pitches. When does it end? Really?!? We remember the days, way back when this clown had the police department make his accident report protractors, the only protractor that recruits could use for their classes, and allowed him in to sell them like like a little pencil vendor girl, to sell them to all the recruits that were coerced into buying them by the department (Schultz). We also remember the no bid Aimpoint and Spiewak jacket contract. Now there is yet another!!!!

Our Eyes told us that the academy staff was not too pleased, when they caught this little troll interrupting their class. Apparently, they stood there, looking at this troll, until it was very uncomfortable, and told him he had to leave.

Our question is how was this allowed to happen? Ask yourself. Who the hell gets to just walk into an academy class, and what kind of pompous asshole thinks he can just interrupt studying cadets unannounced? How was a non sworn citizen, or non employee allowed to gain access into a police training facility, and just walk into a classroom full of recruits? This in not only an unfair, unethical business practice, that puts other vendors at an unfair disadvantage. It is a safety issue! These fucks never learn, and never quit, while they are ahead. What kind of korny shit is this?

While we are at it, we were told that the aforementioned troll was recently given the sole source contract with the city, to supply the new recruits with the the new vests they have to buy from him, with their own dime. Who the hell wants to work for a police department, where you have to buy your own vest from a troll?


We are hearing that there are cases developing that will bring certain trolls to the forefront of the past decade of shenanigans, and antics at the NMLEA. It can not happen soon enough.

Here is a word for the little punk troll. You are a coward troll. We know what you did for Schultz at the NMLEAB. We know how you directed hearing officers to come to the conclusions you wanted them to come to for Schultz, Levy, and any other administration in the state you could profit from, and we know you are friends with them. We know you profited, in exchange for your actions, through the gaining of access. We know the lives you have ruined. We know the people who you were told to burn. We know how it was all done, and we know why. You, and your band of coward racketeering criminals are directly responsible for the poor morale, the fratricide, and the decline of our city, for your own personal gain. You are a gutless coward. Stay the fuck out of places you do not belong. You are no better than anyone else. Actually you are below most. Stay under your rock.

You want business? Take your happy ass over to Texas, and take your fucking shine box.

We would advise our readers, police officers, and recruits to spend their hard earned money over at TLC uniforms, at 925 2nd ST NW, or Galls, over at 2520 San Mateo Blvd NE for all of their emergency equipment and uniform needs. That public service announcement was paid for by those dedicated to truth, duty, and honor.

Thanks for reading our blog, where we shine the light on trolls and cowards.

The Eye.