This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes
Jul 15, 2011
It's Official; Darren White is OUT!
The Eye would like to thank all of our Eyes for their input which helped remove this cancer from our City.
BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! Here's to the respectable people on the City Council who have done their jobs!!!
Hey remember when Darren was threatening the EYE? How funny the way things have turned out. Now how about Teflon Ray Boy?
A HUGE word of THANKS to the brave men and women of APD & AFD, for having suffered through this Effing concentration camp called aushwitzdarren. We will not rest until the rest of the nazis are terminated and you are liberated, starting with 'Krauts' like TJ Vilhem & others.
Berry 758938 Perry 505741 Schultz 740329 Tj Vilhelm 893967 Ramirez 330963 Resignation list.
Fat boy TJ knows what this means. But he'll deny it. So does Peaches. Just a little insurance. You all better damn well hope these locks are never open. You have no idea who you are dealing with in Darren White. Sleep well my friends.
So Darren was it worth it to marry her so she wouldnt testify that you lied about BRAD and that you lied to the FBI, can you hear the ice cracking you piece of SH*& Your career is over and its only a matter of time before the truth comes out....With no power DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE the people who know what you did are gonna cover for you....
So AFD states they conducted a vote of confidence for former PSD White, because lack of "morals and ethics"...??????
Is that right? REALLY?
You have got to be kidding me as a city employee (23+), you think I or anyone else who's been around awhile do not know about the investigation of a certain Paramedic Lt. who has defrauded the taxpayer with his work off site (taxpayer funded) status and getting paid by a company he works for and calling it "CE's" for more than $4,000? A simple phone call to this company would have saved the taxpayers a shit ton of money in travel and pay, but it didn't happen as a matter of fact 2 others were complicit to this scam as well. One of them is soon to be promoted to Commander. What's the color of St. Patricks day?
Shall we talk about a certain Deputy Chief who defrauded the taxpayers of their money while on FMLA from AFD due to his wifes pregnancy. He was in another state sitting in a fire academy as a recruit. Collecting 2 paychecks and defrauding the taxpayers of 2 states, and now he is a Deputy Chief of HR for AFD....????? LOL!
Don't be ridding in on your high horse with your "morals, and ethics" bullshit. There are some of us who know there are bigger shitbags than Darren White and you've sat back and said nothing.
Poster ( Darren's boyfriend)7:34 SHUT THE HELL UP. must be Dan Torgenson. we're relishing and savoring the moment. Don't give a shit about all that other shit in the past. The topic is the here and now. The head of the snake has been removed.
Heard that Jay McCleskey's plans to get Darren a high paying job with the state, (which by the way is broke,)have been put on ice. Good for you Susana. You're the boss. Psst, psst... might want to call RJ and tell him he is now the mayor.
Let's get on with the next indiscretion that took place last year. Anyone have details on Schultz cover up of Kathleen White's brawl at the Horse and Angel. Must have been flyin high on something that night as well. (or maybe just ragging drunk) I understand the media has something on that.
Speaking of indiscretions; what happens to the Beth Paiz situation giving orders to Walck to change his report. That's ground for a reprimand at least, if not dismissal. With Darren gone, how will she make chief?
KKOB 770 just announced Kathleen's arrest for punching out another women at a bar, then skipped out on her court date. Witness interview claims the peach was highly intoxicated. also announced RJ to discuss White's replacement next week. What? WTF?
What will happen to TJ who is now working at the main on some BS Darren project?
What will happen to Erin Kenard Thompson who was working with Darren and has her own parking spot on APD's parking ramp? she's not enen a Commander, but she has a spot!
What will happen to SaL B who Darren put in another BS job out at the EM Center?
How about Darren's PIO Chris Huffman?
Mayor Berry, can these people and save the city some money! These are all BS positions anyhow.
Torgimson, Sauer and White are all best friends. All three peas in the same pod, all alike. They need to all go. Retire again already you old farts, no one wants you around.
The Position of City Public Safety Director needs to be eliminated! Darren resigned and it is time to save the City more money by not having a duplicate position! The APD Police Chief and Fire Department Chief coordinate with various City Officials everyday! Give Firefighters a raise! Good work Eye in the whole Darren White and Kathleen White debacle!
my favorite part of the press release: DW saying he was resigning so they could focus on "important" stuff. Having to admit that he was a 3rd wheel: priceless.
BUH BYE you POS! Hope NY loves you just as much as we did here in NM! Tell the peach to cut back on the's expensive and you are out of a job!
I found this criminal case having to do with a Minor with alcohol at Hooters. Birthdate is 1974. Is this the same Kathleen White maiden name: McConnell? STATE OF NEW MEXICO VS. MCCONNELL KATHLEEN A Charge Details........... Case#: MR151595 Filed: 03/21/1995 Judge Division: 5-Roderick Kennedy Defendant: MCCONNELL KATHLEEN A Year of Birth: 1974
'No soup for you' Darren. No room at the state for such a Neanderthal like you. McCleskey,driving home to albq all pissed off. . "Stay thirsty my friend" have a few drinks with rest of us.
Thank God Susana is making a rational decision by not creating a job for Darren, we can't afford, unlike Berry, she knows she's the boss and she knows she's the Governor.
That is not all. It appears that a Kathleen A. McConnell was also sued by Charter Bank as recently as 2007 for foreclosure. Why couldn't Kathleen pay her mortgage on time? Did she have a mentall illness? Bi-polar? Drinking problems? Drug problems? CHARTER BANK VS MCCONNELL K Case Detail Case Number Current Judge Filing Date Court D-202-CV-200708266 Nash, Nan G. 09/19/2007 ALBUQUERQUE DISTRICT
Poster 6:54 yes, they are combination lock numbers. You see certain info is set aside as insurance in case shit goes bad. I suspect TJ will be collecting a retirement check as long as they exist. Those named probably might guess what awaits them if these things happen to sneak out of their boxes. won't be pretty and it won't be fun. Whites need them in place to keep them free.
Poster who posted the following: "Berry 758938 Perry 505741 Schultz 740329 Tj Vilhelm 893967 Ramirez 330963 Resignation list."
What does White have on the above listed? Does White know of any illegal activity? Any taking bribes/kickbacks? What did somebody in Berry's inner circle take a bribe?
Darren's former wife, Jennifer Kelly is probably elated by the news that her husband who cheated on her had to resign because his new wife caused a debacle! You Go Girl, Jennifer Kelly!
Needless to say A.P.D. and A.F.D. are in turmoil. Our citizens that are lookin on are wondering what is going on,and how is our safety effected ? Let me assure all on lookers that I have observed the rank and file of A.P.D. and A.F.D. are doing and will continue to do what they have always done, keep our citizens safe. I hope the City Council continues to search for an independent agency to investigate. It is most important that everyone trust in the results of an investigation. It is especially important that the men and women of A.P.D. and A.F.D. believe in the results of a full investigation of the facts. God bless the men and women of A.P.D. and A.F.D.. May God protect you and our City.
What does APS do with all of this new information on Kathleen? Did they know about all of this before they hired her? Will APS take any of this in consideration and re-evaluate her employment? This is only the tip of the iceberg as far as her history is concerned. As a parent with small children, it makes me wonder what are the guidelines are and hiring procedures at APS
Friends of Darren who have high paying jobs; those exist only because they were political pay back, and not really serving any purpose. We are a city with huge financial problems, and the Secretary, TJ, Sal and the PIO serve no purpose any more as they no longer have a master. Take that total $325,000 and put it toward the pay raise that the PD were screwed out of.
Let me clarify what I was trying to say concerning AFD.
AFD takes a stance with a "vote of no confidence" towards PSD White because in their words lack of "ethics, and morals".
In no way am I attacking the majority of men and women of AFD. I find their (Local 244) stance highly hypocritical based on facts of my previously stated post. NOT conjecture, assumption, rumors, opinion, they are FACTS.
If Local 244 want's to be looked at in a more positive light, and be taken seriously in the future, then they have to exemplify morals, and ethics everyday and in every situation not just when it suites them, or the situation is convienent for them.
To Local 244; When should the taxpayer expect to see you bring to light the fraud, waste, and abuse of some of your members?
To Mayor Berry and CAO Perry, if you find any waste, fraud, or abuse from anyone within the chain of command at AFD. PLEASE use the same "morals, and ethics" standards Local 244 stands for and they to should be kicking rocks down the road, if termination is not an option, then they should all be demoted and or revomed from promotion list.
Kathy has been with APS for many years. They know all about her. She had problems at every school she worked at. Any guesses why she got booted from high school teaching....
How about the two captains he just promoted. The one who is the son of the person who Marty created the City Public Safety director position for and, according to Darren himself, the other is the wife of his BFF. Never mentioned that either was not qualified....
Someone commented earlier that the republicans are helping white out bc he may have crap on them. This makes sense. If they are so easy to blame certain people and not cover up certain incidents why are they backing white and helping him land on his feet and not notifying the media of his wrong doing? Why can't we just have an ethical fcking government? -abq citizen
Darren promoted Commander Bonnie Montoya and Commander Bakas right before he got canned! Cmdr Chris Bakas, Nick Bakas' son, Need we say more, enough said, no need to say anthing further.
Cmdr Bonnie Montoya's husband, is one of Darren's best friends. The Montoya's threw Darren a hugh party when Darren got the PSD position, well it paid off big for Bonnie. She should have never been promoted. She has been inside her whole career and was protected by Chief Sauer, Bonnie's husband other best friend. When she was promoted to Lt, she lasted one week before Chief Sauer hardshipped her into Violent Crimes where all she did was milk OT with her BF Sgt Carlos Argeta.
Darren was going to make Cmdr Bonnie Montoya Chief of APD. That would have killed us worse than Chief Schultz. She is worthless, and knows nothing about being a real cop.
That's right, Darren's plan was to replace Chief Schultz with Cmdr Bonnie Montoya. Thank god that went out the door with Darren. The bad news is we are stuck with her being the NE Cmdr. I for one will never work there.
There were some good Lt's passed over for those two.
Quit with the teasing. There are several posters on this site who have been saying they have evidence to bring the whole lot down for years, but nothings comes of it. Either you are part of the solution or part of the problem. I would fess up before the Feds get involved and you are complicit. That'a my advice!
Are, you kidding! Bonnie has been milking that VC overtime since she was a Sgt in VC, Carlos was just a Det at the time, those two were joined at the hip! She protected him from everyone, no one could touch her boy toy. That's how far back she's been playing the system. Before that, she hardshipped from one CIB unit to another, the women has never seen a hard days work in the field, she's never been a cop! No one out here repects her! She has been inside the entire time she's been on the job.
Your right, Bonnie would be a disaster as Chief! It would be Daren all over again, playing with her little favorites and taking advantage of the system.
DC Ed Sauer did protect Bonnie and turned a blind eye as she was milking in all that overtime, he's best friends with Bonnie's husband, Paul.
Daren White, Paul Montoya and Ed Sauer are all best friends and were all in Vegas partying together when Crazy Kathy went off on Daren, kicking the shit out of him! However, nothing was done about that domestic. A regular cop would have been under investigation and given days off.
Glad to see Bonnie's sugar daddy, Daren is no longer here to promote her any further, she's worthless and very vindictive, she only cares about herself, just like Daren!
Now Darren needs to answer for Tru Touch! Darren could end up behind bars for all the corrupt shit he has done!
On another note, now the City can save some money and get rid of those special high paying positions that Darren created for all his friends. We don't need Darren's personal assistant Erin Thompson anymore. TJ's special whatever project at the main is not needed. Sal's job can be cut, as well as Darren's PIO.
We could use those parking spots that Erin and TJ have on the police ramp for real cops. What are you going to do about that Mayor Berry, no other civilians have parking spots on the police ramp. Erin does not even work for the police, why is she there?
Come on Mayor Berry, save the City some money. do the right thing!
Sounds like Darren's threatening to sue the city, because he claims AFD released violated HIPAA. What is he afraid they are covering things up just like he'a always done. If that really happened and isn't a work of fiction by Darren I hope he can't prove it and since he was committing a crime by removing a dui suspect himself he may want to just let it go and move on.
When Ben Kirby removed Daskalos from the scene ( he left a criminal complaint so that it could be filed) he, Ben, was indicted and terminated. Why is Ray Boy not pursuing this with the same vigor? Darren did not leave a criminal complaint and he and the 5th floor tried to cover up this whole situation. OOHH, maybe Ray Boy and his DCOP should be indicted for this cover up!!!
Darren was only the tip of the iceburg. People are going to start falling like dominoes here pretty soon and it's not going to be pretty. Hopefully the public can see who was really giving the department a bad image...the people who are running it!
Now is the public going to start seeing that Kathy and Darren were right smack dab in the middle of the Ahrensfield controversey? Those two are more drama than Melrose Place and 90210 combined. They should be the ones who go to prison, not Ahrensfield! When are people going to wake up and see this?!
What retirement plan did Darren retire under? Police or regular employee? Did he have enough time, or was there a behind the scenes buy out by the city?
This would be a great time for the mayor to clean out all the dead (double dipping) wood at city hall. Just a few people who should be shown the door: Ray Schutlz, Sal Barigiola, Greg Sanchez and any other double dippers who do nothing for their pay, or in Ray's case, have driven APD off the cliff.
And please county commission, fire Renetta Torres. Her corrupt actions in trying to taint the hiring of the county manager should be more than enough cause for her to be terminated.
It is all about corruption in Albuqueque / Bernalillo County. The citizens are sick and tired of it. We forced Darren to go, now it is time for a total housing cleaning.
During Brads entire trial EVERYONE was trying to tell the judge and the Feds that it was Darren not Brad....PLEASE tell me that the judge/prosecutor are watching this and considering THAT DARREN LIED to them!!!! Its not to late DO THE RIGHT THING,
Yea right the union is worthless. Little Joey will be next when he is charged for stealing your money... Just ask him who paid for his GF, Valerie. to go with him and 5 other to Boston at a tune of over 20K on your union dues..
Its time the Governor looked into White's testimony in the Ahrensfield case. He lied under oath to protect his wife back then. An official investigation needs to be conducted concerning the US Attorney's Office and Judge Parker actions or lack of action in this case.
I wouldn't be looking for Berry to "see the light" and eliminate Darren's position and/or any or all of the other unnecessary positions. He still views himself as a successful politician, he still has delusions of a grand political future and for him not to actively seek to fill Darren's position would be to admit that he knew it was unnecessary all along. It is far too late in the game for him to start admitting gross incompetence and favoritism and still have a shot at governor and later on as president?
Berry wont see the light on anyone and Schlitz if you told Piaz to give the order to Al to change the report I think you should be held accountable.
Schlitz and all of your promotions all of your at will employees should be fired. That is the only way to do away with corruption and what Schliltz has in plans. Schlitz has tarnished the badge so bad not even Tarniz can get it clean.
Berry is well aware of the truth and he's probably popping immodium like peanuts, but his dreams and delusions are as distant from reality as we are from the dark side of the moon. His 'handlers" have to keep him propped up and confident because they are sitting on the edge of the toilet as it starts flushing too.
Hey remember when Darren was threatening the EYE? How funny the way things have turned out. Now how about Teflon Ray Boy?
Torgrimson, where is your letter defending Darren????
Yea Fat boy where is your letter? What say you???
Ray's next - then Berry! Thanks Peaches you did what no one else has been capable of doing!
A HUGE word of THANKS to the brave men and women of APD & AFD, for having suffered through this Effing concentration camp called aushwitzdarren.
We will not rest until the rest of the nazis are terminated and you are liberated, starting with 'Krauts' like TJ Vilhem & others.
Perry, quick, get RJ enrolled in Mayor school quick.
Berry 758938
Perry 505741
Schultz 740329
Tj Vilhelm 893967
Ramirez 330963
Resignation list.
Fat boy TJ knows what this means.
But he'll deny it. So does Peaches.
Just a little insurance.
You all better damn well hope these locks are never open.
You have no idea who you are dealing with in Darren White. Sleep well my friends.
Thank you as well Eye and your eye team & FANS.
~ a 34 ~
Here's hoping the Whites never come back from their vacation and stay up in NY.
So Darren was it worth it to marry her so she wouldnt testify that you lied about BRAD and that you lied to the FBI, can you hear the ice cracking you piece of SH*&
Your career is over and its only a matter of time before the truth comes out....With no power DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE the people who know what you did are gonna cover for you....
6:00 pm poster - why tease? Are those safe combinations - just a guess. Sounds like you have something you would like to divulge or is it a warning.
So AFD states they conducted a vote of confidence for former PSD White, because lack of "morals and ethics"...??????
Is that right? REALLY?
You have got to be kidding me as a city employee (23+), you think I or anyone else who's been around awhile do not know about the investigation of a certain Paramedic Lt. who has defrauded the taxpayer with his work off site (taxpayer funded) status and getting paid by a company he works for and calling it "CE's" for more than $4,000? A simple phone call to this company would have saved the taxpayers a shit ton of money in travel and pay, but it didn't happen as a matter of fact 2 others were complicit to this scam as well. One of them is soon to be promoted to Commander. What's the color of St. Patricks day?
Shall we talk about a certain Deputy Chief who defrauded the taxpayers of their money while on FMLA from AFD due to his wifes pregnancy. He was in another state sitting in a fire academy as a recruit. Collecting 2 paychecks and defrauding the taxpayers of 2 states, and now he is a Deputy Chief of HR for AFD....????? LOL!
Don't be ridding in on your high horse with your "morals, and ethics" bullshit. There are some of us who know there are bigger shitbags than Darren White and you've sat back and said nothing.
Poster ( Darren's boyfriend)7:34
SHUT THE HELL UP. must be Dan Torgenson.
we're relishing and savoring the moment. Don't give a shit about all that other shit in the past. The topic is the here and now.
The head of the snake has been removed.
Heard that Jay McCleskey's plans to get Darren a high paying job with the state, (which by the way is broke,)have been put on ice.
Good for you Susana. You're the boss.
Psst, psst... might want to call RJ and tell him he is now the mayor.
Let's get on with the next indiscretion that took place last year.
Anyone have details on Schultz cover up of Kathleen White's brawl at the Horse and Angel. Must have been flyin high on something that night as well. (or maybe just ragging drunk)
I understand the media has something on that.
Speaking of indiscretions; what happens to the Beth Paiz situation giving orders to Walck to change his report. That's ground for a reprimand at least, if not dismissal.
With Darren gone, how will she make chief?
Great day for Albuquerque!!
Donations can be made in care of TJ Wilham, to deliver groceries to Peaches and Butter Bean's casa when they return.
KKOB 770 just announced Kathleen's arrest for punching out another women at a bar, then skipped out on her court date. Witness interview claims the peach was highly intoxicated.
also announced RJ to discuss White's replacement next week. What? WTF?
glad DW's gone, it was long overdue.
does that justify copyright infringement for use of the image?
What will happen to TJ who is now working at the main on some BS Darren project?
What will happen to Erin Kenard Thompson who was working with Darren and has her own parking spot on APD's parking ramp? she's not enen a Commander, but she has a spot!
What will happen to SaL B who Darren put in another BS job out at the EM Center?
How about Darren's PIO Chris Huffman?
Mayor Berry, can these people and save the city some money! These are all BS positions anyhow.
Torgimson, Sauer and White are all best friends. All three peas in the same pod, all alike. They need to all go. Retire again already you old farts, no one wants you around.
The Position of City Public Safety Director needs to be eliminated! Darren resigned and it is time to save the City more money by not having a duplicate position! The APD Police Chief and Fire Department Chief coordinate with various City Officials everyday! Give Firefighters a raise! Good work Eye in the whole Darren White and Kathleen White debacle!
my favorite part of the press release: DW saying he was resigning so they could focus on "important" stuff. Having to admit that he was a 3rd wheel: priceless.
'Butter Bean' ! WHOAA lol
Butter Bean & Peaches White.
What a hoot.
Absolutely a perfect couple for the Jerry Springer show.
FANS; that would make the best video.
BUH BYE you POS! Hope NY loves you just as much as we did here in NM! Tell the peach to cut back on the's expensive and you are out of a job!
I found this criminal case having to do with a Minor with alcohol at Hooters. Birthdate is 1974. Is this the same Kathleen White maiden name: McConnell? STATE OF NEW MEXICO VS. MCCONNELL KATHLEEN A
Charge Details...........
Case#: MR151595 Filed: 03/21/1995 Judge Division: 5-Roderick Kennedy
Defendant: MCCONNELL KATHLEEN A Year of Birth: 1974
Charge# 1: MINOR IN POSSESSION OF ALCOHOL Statute: 60-7B-1-B Chrg Type: Misdemeanor
Abbrev. Desc.: MIN POS Amended To: Amended Statute:
Citation No.: 027910010048767 Violation Date: 03/17/1995 Viol. Time: 23:00
Viol. Location: HOOTERS Comment: Plea: Guilty
Trial Date: 07/26/1995 Trial Finding: Deferred Event Type: ST-Reset Traffic/Misdemeanor
Officer Name: MARTINEZ Man#: 1339 Agency: DPS
'No soup for you' Darren.
No room at the state for such a Neanderthal like you.
McCleskey,driving home to albq all pissed off.
. "Stay thirsty my friend"
have a few drinks with rest of us.
Thank God Susana is making a rational decision by not creating a job for Darren, we can't afford, unlike Berry, she knows she's the boss and she knows she's the Governor.
Wow, Looks like Kathy Peaches has a past, more than just the incidents at Bull Head park and capos parking lot.
BTW; isn't that where Darren proposed?
That is not all. It appears that a Kathleen A. McConnell was also sued by Charter Bank as recently as 2007 for foreclosure. Why couldn't Kathleen pay her mortgage on time? Did she have a mentall illness? Bi-polar? Drinking problems? Drug problems?
Case Number Current Judge Filing Date Court
D-202-CV-200708266 Nash, Nan G. 09/19/2007 ALBUQUERQUE DISTRICT
Poster 6:54 yes, they are combination lock numbers. You see certain info is set aside as insurance in case shit goes bad. I suspect TJ will be collecting a retirement check as long as they exist. Those named probably might guess what awaits them if these things happen to sneak out of their boxes. won't be pretty and it won't be fun. Whites need them in place to keep them free.
Poster who posted the following:
"Berry 758938
Perry 505741
Schultz 740329
Tj Vilhelm 893967
Ramirez 330963
Resignation list."
What does White have on the above listed? Does White know of any illegal activity? Any taking bribes/kickbacks? What did somebody in Berry's inner circle take a bribe?
Dada may want to lawyer up now. I recommend he call Saul Goodman.
Darren's former wife, Jennifer Kelly is probably elated by the news that her husband who cheated on her had to resign because his new wife caused a debacle! You Go Girl, Jennifer Kelly!
This is better than the Weiner scandal, ha ha ha ha
That was her second bankruptcy. It was not a mortgage it was a school loan. She actually has a Master's.
Darren did a great deal of damage before leaving. Chris and Bonnie....
Needless to say A.P.D. and A.F.D. are in turmoil. Our citizens that are lookin on are wondering what is going on,and how is our safety effected ? Let me assure all on lookers that I have observed the rank and file of A.P.D. and A.F.D. are doing and will continue to do what they have always done, keep our citizens safe. I hope the City Council continues to search for an independent agency to investigate. It is most important that everyone trust in the results of an investigation. It is especially important that the men and women of A.P.D. and A.F.D. believe in the results of a full investigation of the facts. God bless the men and women of A.P.D. and A.F.D.. May God protect you and our City.
What does APS do with all of this new information on Kathleen? Did they know about all of this before they hired her? Will APS take any of this in consideration and re-evaluate her employment?
This is only the tip of the iceberg as far as her history is concerned.
As a parent with small children, it makes me wonder what are the guidelines are and hiring procedures at APS
Friends of Darren who have high paying jobs; those exist only because they were political pay back, and not really serving any purpose.
We are a city with huge financial problems, and the Secretary, TJ, Sal and the PIO serve no purpose any more as they no longer have a master.
Take that total $325,000 and put it toward the pay raise that the PD were screwed out of.
Let me clarify what I was trying to say concerning AFD.
AFD takes a stance with a "vote of no confidence" towards PSD White because in their words lack of "ethics, and morals".
In no way am I attacking the majority of men and women of AFD. I find their (Local 244) stance highly hypocritical based on facts of my previously stated post. NOT conjecture, assumption, rumors, opinion, they are FACTS.
If Local 244 want's to be looked at in a more positive light, and be taken seriously in the future, then they have to exemplify morals, and ethics everyday and in every situation not just when it suites them, or the situation is convienent for them.
To Local 244; When should the taxpayer expect to see you bring to light the fraud, waste, and abuse of some of your members?
To Mayor Berry and CAO Perry, if you find any waste, fraud, or abuse from anyone within the chain of command at AFD. PLEASE use the same "morals, and ethics" standards Local 244 stands for and they to should be kicking rocks down the road, if termination is not an option, then they should all be demoted and or revomed from promotion list.
Change begins within people, not blaming others.
Kathy has been with APS for many years. They know all about her. She had problems at every school she worked at. Any guesses why she got booted from high school teaching....
How about the two captains he just promoted. The one who is the son of the person who Marty created the City Public Safety director position for and, according to Darren himself, the other is the wife of his BFF. Never mentioned that either was not qualified....
Someone commented earlier that the republicans are helping white out bc he may have crap on them. This makes sense. If they are so easy to blame certain people and not cover up certain incidents why are they backing white and helping him land on his feet and not notifying the media of his wrong doing? Why can't we just have an ethical fcking government? -abq citizen
Mystery #s clue.
They are lockers at a Gym.
Just found out some stuff that was said.
F_ _ K YOU R J
There's gonna be some nuts roastin on an open fire next week.
TJ move the stuff some where else.
You know 102, 103, 105, 111, & 121
Be careful who you talk to right now.
Everyone's got a hair trigger.
This weekend is full of some real dirty clandestine shit.
Enough so that it should be worked into a 'Breaking Bad' episode.
You all could only wish it were Tuco Calamado on your trails.
T J , please, you know what you have to do. Someone knows.
If you call someone an idiot you should be man enough to put your name to it.
I want to know what's in these damn lockers...
Darren promoted Commander Bonnie Montoya and Commander Bakas right before he got canned! Cmdr Chris Bakas, Nick Bakas' son, Need we say more, enough said, no need to say anthing further.
Cmdr Bonnie Montoya's husband, is one of Darren's best friends. The Montoya's threw Darren a hugh party when Darren got the PSD position, well it paid off big for Bonnie. She should have never been promoted. She has been inside her whole career and was protected by Chief Sauer, Bonnie's husband other best friend. When she was promoted to Lt, she lasted one week before Chief Sauer hardshipped her into Violent Crimes where all she did was milk OT with her BF Sgt Carlos Argeta.
Darren was going to make Cmdr Bonnie Montoya Chief of APD. That would have killed us worse than Chief Schultz. She is worthless, and knows nothing about being a real cop.
That's right, Darren's plan was to replace Chief Schultz with Cmdr Bonnie Montoya. Thank god that went out the door with Darren. The bad news is we are stuck with her being the NE Cmdr. I for one will never work there.
There were some good Lt's passed over for those two.
Yes, what is up with these "mystery lockers"?
Quit with the teasing. There are several posters on this site who have been saying they have evidence to bring the whole lot down for years, but nothings comes of it. Either you are part of the solution or part of the problem. I would fess up before the Feds get involved and you are complicit. That'a my advice!
Put up or shut up. It's that simple.
Are, you kidding! Bonnie has been milking that VC overtime since she was a Sgt in VC, Carlos was just a Det at the time, those two were joined at the hip! She protected him from everyone, no one could touch her boy toy. That's how far back she's been playing the system. Before that, she hardshipped from one CIB unit to another, the women has never seen a hard days work in the field, she's never been a cop! No one out here repects her! She has been inside the entire time she's been on the job.
Your right, Bonnie would be a disaster as Chief! It would be Daren all over again, playing with her little favorites and taking advantage of the system.
DC Ed Sauer did protect Bonnie and turned a blind eye as she was milking in all that overtime, he's best friends with Bonnie's husband, Paul.
Daren White, Paul Montoya and Ed Sauer are all best friends and were all in Vegas partying together when Crazy Kathy went off on Daren, kicking the shit out of him! However, nothing was done about that domestic. A regular cop would have been under investigation and given days off.
Glad to see Bonnie's sugar daddy, Daren is no longer here to promote her any further, she's worthless and very vindictive, she only cares about herself, just like Daren!
Now Darren needs to answer for Tru Touch! Darren could end up behind bars for all the corrupt shit he has done!
On another note, now the City can save some money and get rid of those special high paying positions that Darren created for all his friends. We don't need Darren's personal assistant Erin Thompson anymore. TJ's special whatever project at the main is not needed. Sal's job can be cut, as well as Darren's PIO.
We could use those parking spots that Erin and TJ have on the police ramp for real cops. What are you going to do about that Mayor Berry, no other civilians have parking spots on the police ramp. Erin does not even work for the police, why is she there?
Come on Mayor Berry, save the City some money. do the right thing!
Sounds like Darren's threatening to sue the city, because he claims AFD released violated HIPAA. What is he afraid they are covering things up just like he'a always done. If that really happened and isn't a work of fiction by Darren I hope he can't prove it and since he was committing a crime by removing a dui suspect himself he may want to just let it go and move on.
When Ben Kirby removed Daskalos from the scene ( he left a criminal complaint so that it could be filed) he, Ben, was indicted and terminated. Why is Ray Boy not pursuing this with the same vigor? Darren did not leave a criminal complaint and he and the 5th floor tried to cover up this whole situation. OOHH, maybe Ray Boy and his DCOP should be indicted for this cover up!!!
Has anyone heard what is going on with the $3M restitution judgement over at the BCSO when Da Da Da Darren was sheriff?
Darren was only the tip of the iceburg. People are going to start falling like dominoes here pretty soon and it's not going to be pretty. Hopefully the public can see who was really giving the department a bad image...the people who are running it!
Now is the public going to start seeing that Kathy and Darren were right smack dab in the middle of the Ahrensfield controversey? Those two are more drama than Melrose Place and 90210 combined. They should be the ones who go to prison, not Ahrensfield! When are people going to wake up and see this?!
What retirement plan did Darren retire under? Police or regular employee? Did he have enough time, or was there a behind the scenes buy out by the city?
This would be a great time for the mayor to clean out all the dead (double dipping) wood at city hall. Just a few people who should be shown the door: Ray Schutlz, Sal Barigiola, Greg Sanchez and any other double dippers who do nothing for their pay, or in Ray's case, have driven APD off the cliff.
And please county commission, fire Renetta Torres. Her corrupt actions in trying to taint the hiring of the county manager should be more than enough cause for her to be terminated.
It is all about corruption in Albuqueque / Bernalillo County. The citizens are sick and tired of it. We forced Darren to go, now it is time for a total housing cleaning.
During Brads entire trial EVERYONE was trying to tell the judge and the Feds that it was Darren not Brad....PLEASE tell me that the judge/prosecutor are watching this and considering THAT DARREN LIED to them!!!! Its not to late DO THE RIGHT THING,
Eye the Fan page said you had a Breaking News story - where is it?
"Ray, Beth, Allen,& R J; farewell !!!
Last man standing; PERRY
Yea right the union is worthless. Little Joey will be next when he is charged for stealing your money... Just ask him who paid for his GF, Valerie. to go with him and 5 other to Boston at a tune of over 20K on your union dues..
Its time the Governor looked into White's testimony in the Ahrensfield case. He lied under oath to protect his wife back then. An official investigation needs to be conducted concerning the US Attorney's Office and Judge Parker actions or lack of action in this case.
Cactus Blossom;
The horses have been moved to another stable.
New saddles too.
Tiny Dancer~
I wouldn't be looking for Berry to "see the light" and eliminate Darren's position and/or any or all of the other unnecessary positions. He still views himself as a successful politician, he still has delusions of a grand political future and for him not to actively seek to fill Darren's position would be to admit that he knew it was unnecessary all along. It is far too late in the game for him to start admitting gross incompetence and favoritism and still have a shot at governor and later on as president?
Step one- Darren resigns and leaves the state.
Step two- What Darren did the day after the incident comes out.
Step three- Darren goes to jail!
Darren White and team I am talking to you. You know what you did and so do we!!!
Berry wont see the light on anyone and Schlitz if you told Piaz to give the order to Al to change the report I think you should be held accountable.
Schlitz and all of your promotions all of your at will employees should be fired. That is the only way to do away with corruption and what Schliltz has in plans. Schlitz has tarnished the badge so bad not even Tarniz can get it clean.
Berry will you ever see the truth probably not.
Berry is well aware of the truth and he's probably popping immodium like peanuts, but his dreams and delusions are as distant from reality as we are from the dark side of the moon. His 'handlers" have to keep him propped up and confident because they are sitting on the edge of the toilet as it starts flushing too.
Torg, you still here?
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