The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Oct 31, 2013

Memo to DOJ: Attention Mr. Luis Saucedo

TO:                 Luis Saucedo, Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division
FROM:          Citizens of Albuquerque, Current & Former APD officers, and Interested Parties
RE:                 Preliminary Report
DATE:            November 1, 2013

On November 27, 2012 your office of the United States Department of Justice announced the opening of an investigation into the use of force by the city of Albuquerque’s police department. While the investigation was presented as being limited in scope to the issues of use of force, during the press conference announcing the matter, then Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez made it clear the investigation would be all encompassing and stated: 

We will peel the onion to its core, and leave no stone unturned. We will follow the facts wherever they lead us. We will gather as much information as possible from as many sources as possible. We will examine department policies and practices, review records and interact with police officers in the field.”

Well Mr. Saucedo, as you have seen over the last year in general and over the last few days in particular, if there is anything predictable about the Albuquerque Police Department, it is that as a police department it is entirely unpredictable. And it has gotten worse. Sadly, this unpredictability is in conflict with the goal of your investigation as stated by Mr. Perez: to ensure that APD is an effective, accountable police department that controls crime, ensures respect for the Constitution, and earns the trust of the public it is charged with protecting.

The department’s unpredictability undermines the very efforts of APD’s officers and detectives, its accountability to its community, its effectiveness at controlling crime, and challenges its standing amongst other departments across the state. A police department that is unpredictable is in contravention with the very things a police department is supposed to project: stability and order.
Instead officers and detectives are pushed, pulled, and confused by false representations by the city’s mayor, back and forth changes in their SOPs, a constant rotation of supervisors and commanders, erratic city objectives, department goals redefined on a monthly basis, bold faced lies by its past chief Ray Schultz, and more lies by its current chief, Allen Banks. Mr. Banks insipid and disgraceful press conference will only be exacerbated by the lies he puts forward with today's press statement.

Officers, detectives, and sergeants tell us over and over that they simply want two things so they can do their jobs effectively and serve the citizens they are sworn to protect: they want to know what the rules are and they want to be led.

Unfortunately those are two things APD is sorely lacking: rules and leadership. As your investigation has by no doubt revealed, rules in APD are subject to an endless span of application. There is no constant expectation of what will be enforced and how it will be enforced. Violations of due process rights rule the day within APD’s application of discipline investigation and procedure.

Regarding leadership in APD, the problems are endless. From the current interim chief who shows neither the capacity nor the integrity to lead the state’s largest police department on through most of the lieutenants, there are but few persons in APD that are leaders in the best sense of the word. APD’s existing model of leadership is “you shouldn’t have done that” when in fact it should be “follow me.” From the current chief’s recorded testimony where he fabricates and intentionally omits knowledge, his involvement in tampering with crime scenes and falsifying police reports to the misconduct by deputy chiefs held liable for civil rights damages, sexual harassment, to lieutenants contributing to the deaths of fellow officers, the state of “leadership” in APD rivals that of a poorly run organized crime ring.

As last weekend’s incident painfully reveals, APD is in a critical condition. The actions of a single motivated individual exposed the vulnerability of APD’s state of affairs in a way no court case or investigation could ever do. While the public in general is at risk because of the decreased services and protection by the department, it is the personnel of APD that are most vulnerable to harm. In a single incident, a violent individual shot at least four law enforcement officers, targeted dozens of others, stole a police car, persisted in a shooting rampage throughout the city for over 11 miles, and for over 20 minutes not one supervisor within APD took command of the situation leaving a field sergeant to bear the burden while chasing the offender as the event unfolded. Not only did the department fail to notify the citizens of an unfolding emergency putting thousands in harm’s way but it even failed to alert other cross jurisdictional agencies.

APD’s immediate debrief response to this event is to evaluate how it can train officers to shoot from their cars while they are in motion. The consideration is so absurd on its face given the endless failures that only a department devoid of self-responsibility would consider tactics that are challenging to even the most skilled of marksmen.

In the context of all the incidents which brought you here, from police shootings, department civil liability, misconduct and crimes by department leaders, and what are lies at worst and obfuscations at best by city leaders, last weekend’s incident has shown you but a hint of what the core of the onion you started to unpeel nearly 12 months ago is truly like.

On behalf of the city’s citizens, current and former officers, and other interested parties, we respectfully implore that your office move forward with the release of a preliminary findings report concerning the investigation of APD. The city of Albuquerque and the officers of APD cannot wait three years before you release a report like you did with your investigation of the Puerto Rico Police Department, they need guidance now. They need structure and stabilization. The safety of citizens and officers alike depend on it.

Oct 30, 2013

Time to Balance the Scales

The Eye On Albuquerque endorses DIANE GIBSON for District 7 City Council.

For those of you who are either pro-Berry or anti-Berry; Ms. Gibson is an excellent and fair choice.  Ms. Gibson offers a fresh start.  Ms. Gibson will not owe anyone for her position on the Council except the honest citizens who vote her into office.

Diane Gibson retired from Sandia Labs after a 28 year career as a prototype machinist and Environment, Safety and Health Coordinator. Ms. Gibson is currently a tax advisor and  a volunteer Ombudsman for New Mexico Department on Aging and Long Term Services.

Diane's plan includes supporting a top-down culture change at APD that will restore public confidence and morale within the Department. She will work tirelessly to create good paying jobs and restore a healthy local economy. Diane is also committed to improving our schools and giving our children and grandchildren the same or better opportunities that we had. 

Everyone knows Janice Arnold-Jones has run for every office she can find.  Jones was appointed to the Council by Berry in an effort to keep absolute power over the City Council. Jones now owes Berry for giving her a job. Let's balance the scales by placing a true ombudsman like Diane on the Council.  Diane is not pro-Berry or anti-Berry; Diane wants what is fair and just.  Diane will act and vote in favor of the citizens of Albuquerque!

Oct 28, 2013

Berry Claims Crime is Down: Second Assault on APD in less than Three Days

As usually Berry and Banks have failed to notify the public again about clear and present danger to the public. For the second time in three days the APD has been accosted by an armed assailant.  Police have the area of Washington and Central blocked off. No one is saying anything but we already know there is a major critical situation. We already know it was an officer involved shooting.

No Information has been disseminated (as usual) but our Eyes are telling us this is an officer involved shooting.  Berry and Banks need to stop hiding behind someone’s skit. Since neither one of you two ladies have enough gumption we will tell you what needs to be done in a short list:
Activate Alpha Bravo for three days to bring calm and control to the City; have officers ride double to ensure they are capable of handling anything since it is a two man unit.  Alpha Bravo is a code to place the officers on 12 hour shifts; this immediately moves the manning levels up to 50% of the department on duty at any given time.
Instead of hiding and showing Albuquerque that you two are both too cowardly to act; do something, show some leadership.  How pathetic of a “so-called” leader.  Oh yeah, for the idiots who voted Berry and his failed administration back in; here is another snake to stuff in your pocket…You morons could easily put a tear in Medusa’s eyes but not ours…
Great job to the APD officers who are stepping up since APD is a classic model of a leaderless group…

Berry Claims Crime is Down: Tell that to the Three Police Officers and One Deputy Shot in the Streets of Albuquerque on Saturday

It has been a few weeks since the 11% of Albuquerque voters put Mayor Berry back into office.  Now comes the political “hang-over.”  Berry stated crime is down and him and his wife, Maria, love walking around downtown Albuquerque because it is so safe. It is a good thing Berry and Maria weren’t out for their walk on Saturday when a masked armed terrorist stuck downtown Albuquerque; gunning down three APD Officers and one Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy.  And what did Berry and the New Interim Chief of Police, Allen Banks, say? Oh that’s right, Berry was out-of-town on a hunting trip and well, Banks was not present in the public.

Our Eyes tell us on Saturday, a masked armed terrorist wearing army type clothing told a spectator to call the police; that he (the terrorist) would be waiting. The responding officers were ambushed and found exactly what the call said; a masked armed man dressed in army fatigues.  A gun battle ensued and the offender wounded several APD officers and fled in an APD marked police unit. It should be noted that our Eyes tell us the officers were not hit with any bullets but by secondary projectiles.

This terrorist raced through our streets unbeknownst to the public for over twenty minutes because APD did not notify the media of the peril or the media was ordered by Berry’s cronies NOT to let the public know ANYTHING. For those 11% who voted Berry back in; here is another snake to stuff in your pocket.

As this terrorist raced along our streets we are told he fired several bullets randomly until he spotted a Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy.  The terrorist fired at the deputy and she was struck in the leg. The terrorist was forced to crash and his worthless existence was terminated some time later...

For over an hour nothing was told to the public. When information was known it was minimal and kept low key by your local media.

Here are our concerns:

Why were units allowed to arrive when the reports were pouring in about the terrorist who was armed with a high powered assault rifle?  Why didn’t they wait till a K-9 officer or SWAT officer or an officer with a long rifle arrived and set up?  When this offender went mobile the danger to all increased tremendously.

Why wasn’t the public immediately notified? Why the secrecy? Doesn’t the public deserve to know what is going on in our city?

Why wasn’t the EOC (Emergency Operations Center) immediately activated? This type of critical situation will have lingering effects and the need to receive and disseminate information from one central location is of paramount of concern.  The EOC would have been able to multi-task on several different levels with multiple agencies, organizations and resources.  That is what the EOC is for!

Why didn’t the Interim Chief appear or a high ranking official to give the public an up-date? Why was Banks “shell shocked” so badly? Why was Banks ordering the dispatch NOT to give out the condition of the officers over the air?  This was critical information for supervisory staff to have in order to make the best decisions.

This all plays into a mediocrity type leadership. For a department the size of APD this means failure.

Sheriff Houston was hiding somewhere and for who knows what reason.

Oh yes, and we have heard about the conversation our Interim Chief Banks had with Raymondo Schultz.  He wasn’t much help was he Allen?

The fact of the matter is this; Berry was re-elected and now the community must pressure this incompetent fool to hire competent personnel into key positions. We are stuck with Berry; make him work for the betterment of the City of Albuquerque. What happened to the 35k Perry spent on the California Company that was supposed to search for a new chief?  This City is dying for competent leadership.

Now for the “political hang-over,” the 11% of idiots who voted Berry back into office need to reflect and realize their error.  But as with any hang over; we are all stuck with feeling nauseated and dealing with the headache. And yes, we are stuck with this inept Mayor and his inept leadership he has set in place.

The press release Sunday from the City, APD and BSCO proves the lack of leadership. Banks, Berry and Houston stumbled on their own jaws as they spoke.  The whole leaves us alone; don’t ask any questions; we are going slow boloney, proves none of them have any idea what happened or what is going on or what needs to be done…what a bunch of buffoons.

This article is not aimed at law enforcement, who is the victim of this attack, but the failed administration.  Our hearts and prayers go out to all those involved.  We pray for the victims and families of this senseless tragedy and ask for your prayers, as well.    

Oct 23, 2013

APD Becoming #2

While "in step with the community" the on-going degradation of the Albuquerque Police Department continues.  Several of our Eyes have told us the entire police operation of the Duke City Marathon (a City sponsored event) was handled by the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department. APD has now slipped to the #2 position in law enforcement.

The APD has traditionally handled the Duke City Marathon; but not this year. What has changed?  Why has APD become the "pre-feared" police department when it once stood as the pillar of a "premier" police department?

The leadership of the City coupled with the worthless leadership of APD had taken it's total.  We expect to see more and more signs of the new City your Mayor Berry has envisioned.  This would be laughable but facts don't lie and Albuquerque is headed down skid-row.

Berry spent $900,000.00 for a position that only pay $100,000.00 per year. Do the math; Berry spent $225,000.00 to make $100,000.00. I guess that's what Berry refers to as the "Speed of Business."

To those who worked so hard and diligently to put Berry back into office and who treasure his same values and share his vision; keep stuffing your pockets with those snakes.

Oct 20, 2013

Bill Cosby "I'm 83 and Tired" (Actually written by Robert A. Hall)

A friend sent this to us here at the Eye On Albuquerque. This has several great and valid points.  What has our City, our State and Country derogated to? Who's fault is it for this hell hole we are in?

My friends the truth hurts; it is all of our faults for voting the wrong people into office and allowing them to continue with their own agenda, un-checked and clearly un-balanced.

SIDEBAR---ADDED 10/20/13 @ 5:52 PM

We stand corrected: according to;

The above-reference opinion piece detailing political and social hearing about was penned by Robert A. Hall, a former Massachusetts state senator and U.S. Marine Corps veteran who is also the author of the 2005 book The Good Bits (The Marines, the Massachusetts Senate and Managing Associations). Robert Hall blogs as The Old Jarhead at, and the piece quoted here, titled "I'm Tired," was his blog entry for 19 February 2009.
Since Bill Cosby did not write this piece; it still hold many valid points. Thanks to several readers who brought this error to our attention.


Everything from Berry's plans to ruin the Bosque after the voters turn down his request to Congress and Senate spending more money than we have and creating huge debts that our children and grandchildren will die with. Ever wonder why ObamaCare is suppose to be great for us; but Congress exempted themselves from it and will continue to have their own special coverage...

I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for when I was doing my National Service, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired.

I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.

I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honor"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; Muslims burning schools for girls; Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to.

I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and Madrasa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia, New Zealand, UK, America and Canada, while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance..

I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.

I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?

I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.

I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.

I'm also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20's be-deck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves unemployable and claiming money from the Government.

Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 83.. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter and their children. Thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in. There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference.

“I’m 83 and I'm tired. If you don't agree you are part of the problem!

Oct 17, 2013

Letter to the Eye

The following is an email we received from an APD officer who asked us to publish it is a main post. It's because of officers like this that gives us hope:

Dear "Eye",

Since the late 2000's, like everybody else in the department, I have been a regular reader and occasional poster to the Eye on Albuquerque. And over the years I have watched in utter disappointment as my department has declined in morale, personnel, professionalism, and in reputation.

When I joined in 2002, I could not believe the knowledge and expertise that I saw from senior officers. These were people, that even though I was in my late 20's, were why I wanted to become a cop. Now they are all gone. While we were lucky if Chief Gallegos got to work before noon, at least he was one of us. And he was approachable. Then when Schultz came in, an iron wall came down. He was not one of us, and it always seemed like he carried himself above us. Now we have Banks, a person who I didn't respect when he was the IA lieutenant, nor as a commander, DC, and now of course he is a chief. Cream is what is supposed to rise to the top, but the exact opposite has become true in APD. 

But we haven't made it hard for this to happen. Our own APOA has failed to lead by example. We had Lawrence Torres sell us out, then we had Olivas sell out officers, then we had Sigala steal our cash, Weber was just ridiculous, and finally Stephanie seems to be holding her integrity and I'll reserve judgment. But Willoughby is a disgrace. Barely he worked the field before going inside and his appearance is an insult to all of us who take fitness and appearance seriously. If you're going to be representing us cops, please look like one. Shave the SID style goatee, lose about 75lbs, and get in shape. It's hard for citizens to take you seriously when you don't take yourself seriously. But all that doesn't even matter because Shaun did the unthinkable and supports Banks as chief. Really Shaun? Was that the deal? Did you forget they tossed our contract, our union, and our credibility as officers aside and into the wind? What did they promise you? The same as what Weber got?

Shaun, just leave. You suck up to the admin and try so hard to be a player but let's face it. You sucked as a cop and you suck at this.

I too have heard the mumbling lies come out of Banks. I too am aware of all the stories that precede Allen and his "do you have black in you" disgusting comments. Banks has rammed more unjustified discipline on officers than any supervisor I can remember. And only because he can't think for himself or because he was being vindictive. Perhaps he forgets the very suspicious accident he himself was involved in so many years ago....

Mainly I write to vent. I've spent over a decade in the FSB, and here I'll remain. But I am now starting to look at options to go elsewhere. I'm tired of having things scrutinized endlessly and by people that never really worked in the field. I'm tired of seeing fellow cops get hemmed up for doing their jobs while there are other supervisors and command staff that are the true cause of DOJ being here and the endless changes in SOPs and endless new special orders.

For a while I have to say I was sick of your constant criticism and thought you contributed to the division in our department. I was midly entertained with the comments though and that kept me coming back. But now, I don't feel that way. I know your writers, at least some of them, are cops. And now I think differently of you. You are a symptom of what was coming and what we are. Keep up the work Eye, I can only hope there will be a day when you are not needed. It wont be soon though.

NOT a Cop!

Oct 16, 2013

2nd Chance

Earlier this week a report of a DV incident was forwarded to us by one of our Eyes that concerned the pet snake of Albuquerque mayor RJ Berry and New Mexico governor, Susana Martinez. The report caused quite a stir because after all, how ironic is it that the darling of the current Republican power holders was arrested for beating a woman.  While we're not really surprised a few of our readers took issue with this because it happened more than ten years ago. Of course, this is when McCleskey was arrested and our Eyes tell us it's just that, the ONLY time he was arrested for beating a woman.

But, oops, Jay found himself in MDC again, this time for DWI. We at the Eye hate it when that happens....

 If any of our friends in the DWI Unit want to give us their perspective on it, we're all...."Eyes"....  We'd asked for such info from APD's elite tactical anti-stalking unit, but they told us they don't know anything about making arrests.

Oct 14, 2013

We Must Believe Albuquerque is in Great Condition

According to the voters; Albuquerque is in the best condition it has ever been. The overwhelming amount of voters who actually voted made this statement very clear. According to those voters, Berry has and will continue to make things better.  Everything from our realistic 14.1% unemployment rate to Berry's admirable control of the Albuquerque Journal, KOB TV Channel 4, KOAT TV Channel 7 and KRQE TV Channel 13. 

We must all believe in the 11% or so who have voted the fate of our entire city.  We must all believe that slain Civil Rights Attorney, May Han's, Murder was an accidental suicide. That although Ms. Han's 100 pound body contained enough carbon monoxide to kill a 300 pound man and her high dollar BMW was equipped with a sensor that AUTOMATICALLY SHUTS the car off when it detects carbon monoxide; was just a "suicide."  Berry will make it better.  

We must believe that now interim Chief of Police, Allen Banks, is a wonder guy even though we have all heard the recordings of him lying under oath to big dollar attorney Samuel Bregman. We must all believe Allen Banks did not desecrate Mary Han by taking pictures of her dead corps and texting them to vacationing Chief of Police, Raymundo Shultz. We must believe that then City Attorney Rob Perry, Former PSD, the Nefarious Darren White, Fired employee and rehired the same day employee, Tj Wilham, DCOP Paul Feist, DCOP Beth Paiz and a host of others who trampled through the murder scene of Ms. Han were all justified in their actions.  We know from past experiences and experiences since then, this was a "one time thing" and it was perfectly fine to do. 
Berry will make it better.

We must believe Rob Perry is a great guy and his huge salary is justified because of all the suits Perry has won. After all, the city has only paid out $55,000,000.00 in liability. Remember we could be paying out $100,000,000.00.  Perry did not really lose $55,000,000.00; he saved the city $45,000,000.00. And to think "MayBerry" thought "they" got a real deal when they were able to get "Odis." Of course this is not MayBerry...  Berry will make it better.

We must all believe the Ken Ellis Jr. jury award of over $10,000,000.00 after a trial of community peers is wrong and the jury award was wrong.  Berry will make it better.

We must believe the Department of Justice wasted tax payer's money doing a frivolous investigation into police involved shootings. Damn DOJ, always starting investigations and taking over police departments across the nation for nothing.  Berry will make it better.

We must thank Mr. Berry for keeping the APD intact instead of privatizing it.  After-all; Saturday night there was still two police units to cover the entire Southeast area command of Albuquerque on graveyard. And we must all believe Berry will get us all the protection we will ever need; if we need it.  Remember according to Berry crime is down since he took the helm.  Berry will make it better. 

Since crime is so low now with Berry perhaps we should do a RIF and cut APD down to match the SUPER low crime rate that Berry lauds himself over? Or is that what has happened? Perhaps, we should eliminate APD altogether and let other local law enforcement agencies handle things.  Between BCSO and NMSP they could easily handle the super low crime rate (at least according to Berry). Do not think of the city as being short three hundred police officers as a bad thing but as a good thing. Think about all the money Berry is saving and now has available to use in "ABQ THE PLAN."  One more thing to remember; three hundred police officers short and Berry is still providing all this WITHOUT a cut in service!  Berry will make it better.

We must believe the animals left in hallways that have been put to die is a good thing. Disregard they were left there to die alone, humiliated, urinated and for the public to view is a good idea and is the fair way of conducting things at the "Speed of Business."
Berry will make it better.

We must believe Berry knows more about what we need than we do. He will bring in the bull dozers and the concrete trucks and make the Albuquerque Bosque a dreamland that Martha's Vineyards will blush at the thought of. Yes, the votes blew that one by voting down Berry's Boutique projects. The good news is Berry knows better than you and he will still get them done; with your vote or without your vote!  Berry will make it better.

We must believe that all the closed storefronts in Albuquerque is for esthetic reasons and not because our economy is in the toilet and there are no jobs.  Berry will make it better.

We must believe being at the top of every BAD LIST is a good thing! Why? Because positive Berry through his magnificent leadershit has placed us at the TOP of every list even if it's the top of all the bad lists.  Berry will make it better.

We must believe that having enough money can buy any election. Berry raised around $900,000.00 which means Berry spent about $20.00 per vote received compared to Mr. Dinelli whose average cost per vote was around $18.00 per vote and Mr. Heh's average cost was $3.00 per vote. You can clearly see who the winner was in this race. It would have been cheaper to give $10.00 checks out to voters who went out to vote for Berry. Perhaps money can buy anything...  Berry will make it better.

Our apologies for being so enthusiastic and euphoric but Berry is Mister Wonderful! We hope Albuquerque Voters and politicians who placed Berry back into office get their "Just Dessert."  Berry will make it better.

We want to close this story with a parable as we move towards the next four years of "Berry will make it better."

There once was a trusting man walking along a path that was covered with snow on a very windy and cold day. The trusting man happened upon a snake that laid across his path.  The snake made a special request of the trusting man. The snake respectfully pled to the trusting man, "please, please mister; I am cold and almost frozen, pick me up and put me in your jacket so that I may warm myself?" The man promptly replied, "Oh, NO! You are a snake and you will bite me!" The snake lying cold and shivering repeated his plea and reassured the trusting man that he would NOT bite him.

The trusting man picked up the snake and placed him inside his warm jacket. As the man continued down the path, the snake started to move around and became warm and snuggled against the trusting man's body. All of a sudden; the snake bit the trusting man. The trusting man fell to his knees and eventually was lying in the snow; cold, bewildered and perishing.

The trusting man asked the snake with his dying breath; "You were cold and dying; I trusted you and you asked me to help you and I did...why did you bite me?" The snake replied, "YOU KNEW WHAT I WAS WHEN YOU PICKED ME UP!"

Unknown Author

So for those 11% of Albuquerque voters and politicians whom placed Berry back into office; keep stuffing your pockets with snakes...Let us know how that's working for you...  Because, Berry will make it better.

Bloviate..... JAY McCleskey police reports.

/ˈblōvēˌāt/ verb informal at length, esp. in an inflated or empty way.
As the city settles in the shadow of the mayoral election, RJ's paper, the Albuquerque Journal, continues with their self congratulatory articles as to why and how RJ won reelection. The paper promotes RJ's success to the challenger's poor efforts to RJ's likability. Of course absent from any discussion is facts or any real meat regarding his endless failures. The paper endlessly bloviates aboute RJ this and RJ that in how he won. Or more interesting and objective review would've analyzed how RJ was not beaten and how RJ could not lose given the paper's endless fawning over RJ
Finally, out from the shadows comes RJ's political adviser: Jason McCleskey.  Of the election, Jason says, "We made a concerted effort to reach out to voters who had not supported Republican candidates in the 2012 election, particularly Hispanics and women. Mayor Berry had a very compelling message that resonated across the board.”
Compelling? We at the Eye know what's compelling. What's compelling is how RJ has such a cozy relationship with people who have documented records of breaking laws and rules. So, while Jason enjoys the $250,000+ paid to him by RJ thanks to the many donors who we've listed. Here's a little hint of Jason's history...and his true nature.

Jay McCleskey Jay mclesky

Oct 11, 2013


Albuquerque—“Just because the mayor’s race is over doesn’t mean I stop weighing in on important issues affecting the city. I was a cop for over 30 years before I ran for mayor, I don’t just stop thinking like one because Mr. Berry got re-elected,” stated former Albuquerque mayoral candidate in his first public comment since the election on October 8, 2013.
“Last night I saw coverage on KRQE-13 about a report that addressed current CAO Rob Perry’s activities involving a city worker. I know from reading the city’s own Inspector General’s report that Mr. Perry may have violated state statutes and that a further investigation was warranted. Given Mr. Perry also swung his weight around at Mary Han’s death scene, this is very troubling. Darren White was forced to resign even when the IG found he didn’t do anything wrong, but here Mr. Perry is found to have committed misconduct and there’s no accountability. Why?”
Mr. Heh stated he will be holding a press conference on Friday, October 11, at 2pm at the end of Candelaria NW, west of Rio Grande NW. Asked why he was doing this, Mr. Heh said, “There are two things I want to address. One, I stand by what I've said regarding Mary Han. Even though APD Chief Allen Banks called me before the election and tried to get me to stop talking about things that are relevant to Ms. Han’s incident, some things need to be said and I will say them tomorrow. I also want the public to know that just because the campaign is over doesn’t mean I’m going away. For 25 years I worked to make this community a better place and I’m not about to stop just because I didn’t win an election. I was outspoken about corruption before I ran for mayor, I won’t stop being outspoken now.”
When asked why at this location, Mr. Heh responded, “This is where Mary used to spend a lot of her time running, this is her place.”

Oct 9, 2013

History: Berry Style

"History." That was the headline in today's local copy of Pravda, ooops we mean the AlBERRYque Journal.

While Berry claimed the majority of the votes cast in yesterday's mayoral election, what is historical is the continued low voter turnout. Berry claimed that the results confirmed that the city is united. Well if you look at the facts below (and we know Berry and his people don't like to do that) there is nothing that supports that statement.

What Berry did was an excellent example of direct response marketing. They knew who their voters were and had the means to provide them not only with the ability to vote but the opportunity.  While their message was as vacant as their candidate they were able to get the votes in.

That election by design apparatus did not exist for the other two candidates who worked the campaign the old fashioned way: one handshake at a time and speech after speech.

With over 80% of the eligible voters in Albuquerque not voting, the city is not united, it's apathetic. The citizens spoke loudly yesterday, and they said they don't care enough to vote. What is clear is that when there is apathy, mediocrity rules the day.

And yesterday there was a lot of mediocrity.

Oct 8, 2013


Our Eyes are telling us that around 12pm today a group of off duty firefighters, police officers, and other citizens gathered at Albuquerque's City Hall at 4th and Marquette in protest of mayor RJ Berry's performance and actions as mayor.

While exercising their Constitutional rights, our Eyes tell us none other than the city's top administrative officer, Robert Perry, came out on the steps and began an aggressive confrontation with the firefighters and police officers.

Our Eyes tell us that Perry used his city issued phone to take pictures and video of the citizens protesting, and then proceeded to yell at the citizens. We are told that Perry told the citizens to, "enjoy it now because it's over for you tomorrow." And was heard yelling profanity across the street to other passer-bys who honked their car horns in support of the public safety personnel.

We at the Eye find these actions of Perry to be disgusting beyond belief but sadly, they represent the true nature of Berry's administration. They run the city by intimidation and passive aggression.

To all participants and witnesses at the City Hall incident, please forward your pictures and video ASAP. 

We also encourage all public safety personnel to rally their supporters and descend upon City Hall in solidarity to not only assert your freedoms as American citizens and to show you are not afraid of such blatant acts of intimidation, but to also protect yourselves. 

Show the media what you did so your actions are in the sunlight of public protection.  Think about it, public safety personnel go into buildings ablaze and towards the sound of gunfire. Berry and his people fold like mushrooms in the sunlight of public scrutiny and there is no more important day than today!!!

Oct 7, 2013


Here is the real question: Are you, the voters tired of all the lies and deceit?

Are you tired of seeing innocent animals left in hallways to urinate on themselves and die without dignity?

Remember Berry's promise; public safety before his boutique projects?

Remember the lies about angry Schultz retiring and being on a contract for a month when in fact he is only on paid vacation?

 Remember Berry controls the media? 
Remember Berry was told "NO" by the voters on his boutique project and he is still pushing?
Remember the accused wife killer, Levi Chavez and the Berry administration kept Chavez for TWO YEARS PAYING HIM THE ENTIRE TIME?
Remember Berry's "Bomb threat" from his Red Thong admirer?
Remember Berry's attempt  at voter suppression? You know there is NOT a voting place at UNM?
Remember Berry displaying the American Flag on the wrong side disrespecting our military and our veterans?

Remember Berry lying and refusing to answer the question about the Republican charge against ObamaCare? Why can Berry stand up and be a real man?
Remember Berry claims crime is down but his buddies at the Journal factually prove differently.
Remember Berry said the economy is doing great?  His friend at the ABQ BIZ Journal state differently. 

Let us not forget the murder of prominent Civil Rights Attorney Mary Han. Remember all of APD's top brass trampling through the crime scene? Remember $145,000 a year Rob Perry, the City attorney was there also destroying evidence?

Remember Berry has spent over $55,000,000.00 on liability payout to his supports on lawsuits?