When one thinks a local village idiot can do no worse, somehow they manage to surprise a person. On Monday, the Albuquerque Police Department issued another social media policy directed at an employee’s personal choice(s). Apparently Schultz is a bigot; you must think, believe and do as Schultz instructs! If you do not, you will be disciplined up to and including terminated.
Does this seem harsh or severe? Not if you’re a dictator like oh, let say, Momar Kaddafi or Raymond Daniel Schultz. You must do what as he says like an obedient slave. What’s next with this fascist leader? Is he going to go after officers for being Black or Indian or because they are gay or lesbian? Those days are gone; our community will not tolerate a bigot of any type or form. Schultz will soon find himself in the same situation as Kaddafi, held up in a hole waiting for the free will of the people to take him out.
No Schultz it is not a “threat,” it is a fact that you need to leave and take all your baggage and prejudices with you. Schultz’s actions would make the forefathers of our Constitution puke. The United States of America was founded and built on FREEDOM! That freedom includes “Freedom of Speech!” Schultz has overstayed his tenure and it is time for him to leave. The Eye sees another huge slap in the face to the City over this ridiculous policy.
Let us not forget that incompetence is promoted by incompetence. Schultz placed retired/rehired Officer John Gallegos to be the Departments’ Social Media Compliance Officer. This guy is paid about $50,000.00 a year to “surf” the internet looking for APD officers who might post something on the intranet. This is the same John Gallegos who tried to shove (Ret.) Officer Mark Bralley and his attorney Paul Livinston out of an office during an Internal Affairs interview. This cost the City hundreds of thousands of dollars. Gallegos has already proven he cannot make good decisions and Schultz rehires him and places him in this critical position? It would be shocking, but it is not because it has become a common for Schultz to make bad decisions.
Interesting enough, our Eyes tell us that Schultz attends church and stands there as a hypocrite. Is a church a place where three or more gather for a common purpose? Does his church sometimes oppose what the government does or says? This makes him guilty of his own policy. What about Schultz’s membership of the International Chiefs of Police (IACP)? What about the Fraternal Order of Police who commonly disagrees with the president and has a political action committee that “acts” against the President or endorses another candidate?
What about when Schultz conspired with Darren White to “go after” Sam Costales? Schultz has violated just about every single piece of this garbage; he calls a policy. Berry should terminate Schultz based on Schultz’s past actions. This site has provided proof and “information” repeatedly. UNM wizened up and terminated their problem (who has cost them millions). When is the City of Albuquerque going to follow suit?
Schultz has failed to learn that “respect is earned; not simply given.” When will Schultz learn? This is just another civil rights violation in the making. But Schultz sees it as no big deal, after all, it’s not his money; it’s YOUR MONEY that will be paid out! As far as being convicted for civil rights violations, this will just be another notch in his lip stick case…
Some of this policy is directly out of federal law language. You decide if this policy is right or wrong when it comes to a person’s personal choice(s); we are not talking about terrorist or terrorism:
Personnel shall not knowingly associate, visit, join, participate, mimic or have ongoing dealings with individuals, persons, memberships, associations, organizations, enterprises or groups of three or more persons under a common sign or symbol that:
|1|-|5| 1. Advocates the overthrow of the government; or vigilantism; or violence, or criminal activity, or discrimination, or knowingly or unknowingly violates the laws, ordinances or statutes of the City, State, U.S. or Constitution of the U.S.
[5-7} 2. Reduces the efficiency of personnel or organization, or creates a conflict of interest in either the on, and off-duty conduct of personnel with the stated goals, standards, requirements and or vision statement of the department; or compromises the conduct of themselves both on and off-duty in such a manner as to reflect most favorable on the department, or creates a self-induced jeopardy.
This type of behavior is expected from a two year old child who doesn’t get their way; not from a top executive in the City of Albuquerque.
A dictator is just that; a DICTATOR!